Sunday, July 8, 2012

In the midst of the red!

It's been a very red weekend.  Here's some of the redness.

 Daughter #2 helped to chop and measure.

 Add the sugar, cornstarch, a little grating of lemon zest and mix ...

6 of 10 strawberry rhubarb pies -- 1 to bake and eat, 5 for gifts, 4 for the freezer so we can enjoy bits of summer during the winter.

Plus the freezer bags for crisps and muffins and other good things.

And to reward the chefs, there's still a punnet of the very best of the strawberries -- red and juicy and ready for popping in one's mouth.

Here's to the goodness of summer!


Anonymous said...

Oh what a site! Did you grow the rhubarb? I am going to put some in the ground in the fall. It is just too hard to find around here And rhubarb and strawberry is the hubby's favorite.


Be still my heart. It looks positively divine. MOUTHWATERING. Save a pie for me.

Dawn said...

They look wonderful. My garden is on its third round of strawberries. I have never had a berry pie, but yours look yummy!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do love strawberry rhubarb pie! They look absolutely delicious. How nice it is that you could freeze some for later on too!

My Little Home and Garden said...

Mmmmm. A piece of that pie would go down well right now!

Hitchhiker42 said...

Wow, what beautiful strawberries & rhubarb! I don't think people appreciate rhubarb enough.

Judy said...

I love strawberry rhubarb pie...maybe that will be on my schedule today...hhhmmm...

Linda said...

oohhhh, red is my favorite color. How great that strawberries and rhubarb are red! Everything looks delicious! Enjoy!

Diana said...

I think the best part was that your daughter helped you! That is sweet.
Love Di ♥

Pamela Gordon said...

Those pies look delicious and will certainly be a treat in the middle of the winter. Yum!

wendy said...

oh beautiful.
You have been busy,
Wish I were the recipient of one of those wonderful pies (tee,hee)

Pat MacKenzie said...

A lovely bright and colorful harvest. I love strawberry rhubarb pie.

Linda H said...

Yummmmm.. feel free to send me one of those "gift pies"...


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...