Rabbit Rabbit everyone!
The best of luck and blessings for this new month. October happens to be one of my favorite months of the year. It's when things really start to change: the weather, the leaves, Sandy. Yep, I become another year older in October.

The year older is something I cannot help. Aging ---- it's inevitable! So, we do everything we can to help it be as good as it can be, correct. That means celebration. We'll see what birthday #59 will bring later this month.
October is also Canadian Thanksgiving. Love the turkey (or perhaps crown rib of pork??), the pumpkin pie, the family round the table and the extra day off to recuperate.
Thanksgiving weekend means an end to the local Farmer's Market. And although that means having to say goodbye to local fresh produce and The Airstream Cafe's wonderful food and coffee, on the plus side it means goodbye to my Market Manager job. My Saturday mornings will be my own again ; so I'm beginning to dream of all the wonderful things that can be done on a Sat moring --- sleeping later, reading the newspaper with my morning coffee, visiting other farm markets as a customer, or finally beginning work on the animal-themed baby quilt that I'm making.
I'm gonna be a grandma in January!
I also like to cook hearty, belly-warming foods on Saturdays --- stews and soups and cheese breads and apple cranberry loaves. Yummy!
Speaking of yummy, this weekend the girls and I went to the city. (Value Village shopping will be featured later for all you thrifters out there.) At the end of the afternoon, just as the temperature was beginning to drop and sweaters were needed, we walked Quinpool Road, enjoying the fading sunshine and the shop windows. We found a great Korean restaurant and dined on this:
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Seafood pancake, an amazing new-to-me soup - Yuk gae jang - and wonderful Beebimbap. |
In Nova Scotia, October is a month full of treasures waiting to be found and enjoyed.
How about in your neck of the woods? What does October mean to you?
Hi, Sandy. You do beautiful work, and the web is a nicer place with you back at work. Really like your new picture, by the way.
My neck of the woods is El Cajon, CA, a little community tucked into the foothills east of San Diego. October means we only have 2-3 more weeks of the kind of heat that kills pets and old people, and ads $100+ a month to the bill because running an air conditioner is not optional. The saying here is "Baking on Columbus Day, freezing on Halloween." Bring on the freezing, I say! It will be nice to be able to get out and do things again without the heat pressing us into the pavement...
Nice hearing from you; take care of yourself!
Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new grandchild coming in January.
October to me means the start of mostly rainy days living here in British Columbia. It is something you get used to and I actually have come to enjoy it. It is strange to people in other provinces when us BC folk start counting the days of rain with hopes of beating previous records of days in a row.
Also looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday mostly because that puts us closer to Christmas and family get togethers.
Happy Birthday! Happy, Happy new Grandchild. Ya!!!!
I am in Canada. Way up North in Bear land. Algoonquin Highlands. yes we have the upcoming Thanksgiving soon.
I like Fall one of my fav's.
My Birthday comes in January.
Your younger then I.
Boooo hoo.
I think I will skip my numbers this year.
I like my 71 number better.
Enjoy the day!
A birthday this month. I hope it's a wonderful celebration of #59. You must be so excited to become a grandmother in January. Since I'm in nearly the same neck of the woods as you we get the same weather. Well almost. We get more frost than you and you get more rain than us. We are having a beautiful week here now though. Take care and enjoy October and free Saturday mornings!
Happy Birthday and congrats on the new grandchild coming in January. I love October and everything that goes with it.
October is a wonderful month. Happy Birthday when it comes for you! Another year is always something to celebrate! Another year full of experiences you'll never have again and so many new things to come. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Fall in Northern MN is my favorite time of year! Love the colors and smells; love putting away summer and getting ready for winter. Husband brings in the wood box and loads it with his fresh cut wood; get the woodstove going...love the smell of it. And nestling down, getting all cozy and hibernating! Enjoy the season!
Hi, Sandy! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I also have a birthday this month! So of course I love October. After the initial shock of being abandoned by summer, October is so lovely with autumnal days and red leaves. We have to wait another month for our Thanksgiving down here - but maybe I could celebrate the Canadian one, also, to show my solidarity!
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