I think I mentioned that I'd been feeling down lately. I sometimes have sad days, but this time it's been harder to shake and more dark than I've ever experienced before. I totally blame it on either the Prednizone or Symbicort (both of which come with warnings of mood swings and mental depression). So, I've been taking extra care of myself.
Today, I seem to have shaken my blues, and I feel like I'm finally climbing out of this particular dark hole. I'm sure my hibernation weekend helped. AND getting outside more. AND taking Vitamin D drops. AND feeling physically better and treating myself to a payday breakfast from my favorite cafe was pretty darn nice this morning. Yummy!
But what really worked was a visit from my daughter and her two puppies last night.
Jack the dachund was the first dog in almost 40 years that I fell in love with: he's a anxiety-ridden, quiet, patient, lovely little puppy who loves to visit Nanny's house. He knows where the treats are! He first visited me a year and a half ago and was immediately drawn to the basket where I kept my chargers and phone cords and my yoga balls. At $15, I quickly moved them to a spot where he couldn't reach (which is almost anywhere for a dachund!) But EVERY time he's come to visit, that basket is the first place he goes (even though they're not there any longer). He'll search and search; and when he does finally come to the new hiding place, he'll sit and cry. Nanny consoles him with treats and belly rubs.
And then there's Olive Mae, the pug. Olive was born last August and she is just a bundle of energy and joy. She drives her brother Jack crazy sometimes; and as I'm rubbing Jack, I often come across signs of Olive's over-zealous love bites! Olive ran around the apartment exploring all the new spots she could find, ate her doggie treat, and was quite content to sit next to us on the couch and chew on her dog toy. Her favourite things are her Mommy, her brother Jack and chewing on any sticks she can find. Taking her out for a tinkle last night was painful for her as she discovered the rose bush "sticks" and ended up with a sore nose.
Someday when I can afford the care of a dog, I believe I'll get one. They are wonderful for stress and depression. But for now, Jack and Olive seem to have magical qualities in helping Nanny beat the blues.
Dogs truly do make a day brighter. Their love is always unconditional. Hoping you are having a good day today! Hugs!
Glad you are shaking the blues. Vitamin D is a lifesaver, in my opinion. I am new to your blog. The title brought me here. Aging Disgracefully! Made me smile. :)
Cute grandpuppies.
There is nothing like a puppy to cheer one up for sure. I had dogs for years and miss them, but truly they are expensive and no longer in my budget and besides I'm getting older and hate to go out and walk them in all kinds of weather. But I do have lots of grand dogs...I get to visit them quite often. They do tend to cheer one up !
Nothing else can show friendship and joy as much as a dog. I am glad you have friends with four paws. Take good care on you dear Sandy.
Sabine xxx
My chihuahua is a pain in the booty but he is the biggest cause of laughter in my life. I too have sad days. I think it has something to do with diabetes because I will wake up sad for absolutely no reason. Thankfully that happens less and less. It's true, I can barely afford him but I can't afford not to have him. Hahaha.
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