My back went out a couple of weeks ago (didn't ask permission!); and after 2 weeks of pain and turtle-paced healing, I finally decided to book a massage. I tried a new clinic this time; and when I got there, filled in the half dozen forms and met with the proprietor, he asked if I'd like to try accupuncture. He follows the eastern philosophy of our ailments being linked to various organs or body functions. And I'm very sympathic to other medical philosophies as I'll do almost anything to avoid having to take a pill.
"Sure", I replied. "Let's try it".
I lay on my tummy on the massage table as he put 6 needles in my left hip/buttock area and 4 in my left ear (directly connected to my kidneys?). I didn't feel most of the needles, and the ones I did feel were just like a momentary pin prick. I was extremely comfortable lying there for 15 minutes listening to soothing music. After he took them out and I slowly got up and about again, I was amazed that the pain was gone! It was wonderful!
He explained that throughout the day and for the next few days, it would feel different -- with some pain and/or discomfort returning or showing up in other areas. Accupuncture is a process that heals over a period of visits.
Sure enough. That evening, there was mild discomfort. And because I work at a computer all day (the worse kind of work to do if you have back problems), some mild pain and discomfort returned. But not to the excruciating degree that it had been at.
I had a second session this morning, and I feel so much better then before I went in. |
Doctor Griffin:
You've made me a believer.
So glad it worked. I've never had acupuncture but have heard good things about it. Having had a bad back most of my life, I've learned to be very gentle with it. Take care and hope the good feeling lasts !
glad it worked for you. hope you continue to find relief.
I am really glad that this worked for you! I have had my back "go out" on me before, the pain was terrible! Like MA above, I also try to "baby" my back!
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