.Rabbit, rabbit everyone! Happy April 1st. Let's see what April has to offer us.

April is National Garden Month! That's an easy one to figure; it's the month when the garden really begins to wake up -- and I, for one, will indulge myself repeatly in this observance!
It's National Poetry Month: read some poetry. Or better yet, write some! Here's mine:
April showers may bring May flowers
But April winds make me stay in
And snow may yet make an appearance
But Spring is here! So I don't care-ance!
Some of April's weekly observances that I'll indulge in are - "Laugh at Work Week: 1-7", "National Library Week: 10-16", "Cleaning for a Reason: 17-23 and "Police Officers who gave their Lives in the Line of Duty Week: 18-23". .
Today, April 1st, I will not indulge in April Fools or St Stupid Day (other than being my natural self)! But I will practice National Fun Day and Reading is Funny Day.
Other indulgences this month that I'm considering are:
- Tweed Day - Apr 3rd
- Deep Dish Pizza Day - Apr 5th
- Beer Day - Apr 7th
- Licorice Day AND Walk on your Wild Side Day - Apr 12th
- McDonald's Day - Apr 15th
- Chocolate-covered Cashews Day - Apr 21st
- Movie Theatre Day - Apr 23rd
- Dance Day Apr 29th
- and Honesty Day Apr 30th..
The other thing I want to take part in this month is ....
This is National Letter Writing Month. So, to honor that (I love letter writing) and to honor you (I love my bloggy friends and followers), I'm holding a give-away! I will giveaway a writen letter from yours truly. (Well, actually it will be a "type-written" letter, to be more accurate, as my carpal tunnel doesn't allow me to write much more than one paragraph ... and that's a note, not a letter! I will tell you about the area I live in and my boring but totally enjoyable life; I will go on and on and on about nonsense and drivel -- just like I do in my blog. Why, I'll even write a poem for you about a topic of your choosing. PLUS there will be some other extra goodies enclosed with the letter.
So if you can stand it and want to hear from me personally, please enter! Spread the joy around and tell your friends and neighbours. (Or quite possibly, your worse enemies!)
And remember .................. RABBIT, RABBIT!
Oops! Forgot to say that the giveaway will close next Friday, April 8th.
Good luck! FABULOUS prizes await some fortunate person!
Happy Friday and Happy April!
That exhausted me just reading all the special interests for this month, can't imagine trying to do something to observe them. Fun post.
Consider me IN! (For the giveaway!) I love getting letters in the mail!
Wow, that's a lot to focus on this month!
I adore snail mail and from you it would have to be fantabulous!!!
God bless ya and happy April!!! :o)
I also love "real" mail. Where did you find the adorable stamps?
Love your header photo. I'm a new follower coming over from Follow Friday 40 and Over. Have a great weekend! :-)
Hey sounds like fun! I found you on follow Friday over 40 and so I had a great time reading everything here...who knew there was so much to celebrate this month!i have decided to follow you! I am Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink
Hi Sandy aka Doris the Great! I'm glad you came by! Wow, you have a great BC story and a very sad one...All too often that is the case...I'm so sorry about your Aunt...I hate to hear that...I am so glad you like the video, I don't use the word awesome too often because I do think that it is overused...but I thought it fit this time. Thanks for sharing and I hope you stop by often! Pinkim TrulySimplyPink
That is a WHOLE lote a'stuff going on this month. who knew?
I hope I am not too late for your Giveaway! Happy spring !
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