It's Rednesday over at It's A Very Cherry World! with SueLovesCherries. And I had forgotten to show you my newest splurge.
I went out seeking yellow sandals, one of my current challenges. And do you think I could find a pair in Lunenburg County? No! Nor have I seen a pair in the many stores I checked out in Halifax. Oh dear! But I did find a double-whammy treat -- comfort and redness. I bought a pair of my very favorite brand of shoes, Naots from Israel. They are the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn, and I was tickled to find these on sale.

Alas! The cool, damp temperatures these past few days are not very summery. So, I added some extra redness to the (literal) pot this week. I made a delicious, new-to-me spaghetti sauce recipe. Let me share it with you. I got it online from RecipeZaar.
Jolean's Killer Spaghetti Sauce
3 Tbsp oil
1/2 cup diced onions
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced green peppers
1 large diced garlic clove
1 1/2 lb ground sirloin
1/2 lb ground pork or veal
2 - 6 oz cans tomato paste
1 - 14.5 oz can tomato sauce
1 - 14.5 oz can stewed, undrained tomatoes
1 - 4.5 oz can undrained mushrooms
2 1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp allspice
1 tsp oregano
4 tsp sugar
5 Tbsp chopped parsley
7 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
In large dutch oven, saute onion, celery, green pepper and garlic in oil until partially tender; push aside in the pot. Add ground meats and brown; chop into rather large chunks - not too small. Mix meat and sauteed veg well. Add tomato paste, sauce and stewed tomatoes and stir. Add mushrooms with liquid and stir. Add all spices including the grated Parmesan cheese. Mix thoroughly.
Bring to a boil; stir and simmer for AT LEAST 1 1/2 hours, stirring frequently. Serve over pasta with additional grated Parmesan cheese on top, if desired.
I didn't have sirloin or pork or veal; so I used mild Italian sausage. I didn't have celery so I left it out. And I was a little leary of the Allspice and Nutmeg, so I used half of what they called for; next time I'll use it all. And this wonderful mixture simmered on my stove for roughly 4 hours and made my house smell great..
It was gorgeous! If this spaghetti sauce were a man, I would marry it. (Or have a hot, passionate, long-term affair!) It really was killer spaghetti sauce!
I give this spaghetti sauce "9.5 granny panties and full-support bras out of 10".
It was red hot and soooo yummy!
You should have nice cool feet during any heat wave!
Yellow’s the color I wear at dawn
When dancing dewdrops spangle the lawn.
Red is the color I wear at dusk
When earth and sky are dry as a husk
And nothing stirs—not even a wing
Of bat or swallow or anything!
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Boatman in Red
Oh my heck you are hilarious!
Have an affair....definitely.
Sounds like a ton of fun.
Sandals are yummy! I love Naot. I didn't realize they were from Israel.
You scored! Now, I'm going to be on the lookout for yellow sandals.
I think we need to do a trade. I want red sandal (which u have) and you want yellow sandals ( which i have). LOL Lovely find
Like the sandals - a lot.
Oh, the spaghetti sauce sounds good. I haven't made homemade sauce in years! Love the sandals!
Love the red sandals but, like one of the posters above me, I'm going to be on the lookout for yellow sandals! I'm also now craving spaghetti! LOL!
A round of applause for you - it is so important not to wear shoes that are black or brown, in case people assume you are a member of the drab black or brown civilization. Red is just fine.
The sauce sounds great....LOVE good homemade sauce! I'll have to try it. ;)
HI! Stop by my blog...I have an award for you!!!!
Your red sandals look so cute! And the spaghetti sauce sounds delicious. I love mushrooms in my sauce too, although no one else in the family does, so I usually have to make my own pot if I'm going to add those. It is very interesting to realize which spices can be good in recipes.. when I was a kid I used to make my own tomato soup from scratch, because we lived OS and good old canned Campbell's was not available (that was awful for a kid who loved tomato soup) Anyway... the recipe included cloves. Now who would have thought cloves went in tomato soup???? But it was delicious!!!
I love your shoes and that is a great sauce. Re: the berries you asked about. They go into sauce just before serving if you use them. The sauce will keep 2 weeks in the fridge. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
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