A few weeks ago, I ate the most delicious whole wheat bread made in a bread maker. Up to that point, they didn't interest me. I love bread (but don't eat a lot of it for its obvious hip-inflating properties!). But many of my students don't eat a lot of bread -- if I take out a whole loaf, most will go bad; or they want what I refer to as the 'ready made styrofoam white sliced'. So, I've come to the conclusion that a bread maker would make just the right amount of bread for one or 2 people.
So I says to God, I says, I do ... "God, I'd love to find a cheap breadmaker". And ain't He a good Daddy because I went out Saturday morning for fresh fruit and there was a yard sale on the corner. And as I slowed for the red light, my bionic eye saw a breadmaker. Blinkie-blinkie into the left lane.
$5 people! $5 and she was mine. However, she doesn't have a manual (and I've never used a breadmaker before); and I cannot find a copy online as the owner suggested. So I ask for your help.

It is an older model Philips, and this is what the front panel looks like. If anyone has a manual for a Philips breadmaker, I would so much appreciate a copy. You could perhaps scan and email it to me? OR if anyone could give me directions on how to use it -- which buttons to push in what order etc.

Thank you bloggy world.
..I already know how to use these three little dishes: they're the perfect size for ketchup, mustard and relish at summer barbeques. Aren't they cute; 50 cents each.

Enjoy your Tuesday. After a lovely hot 'n' sunny weekend, it's grey and cool in Bridgewater .... perfect for working inside as there's no draw to be in the garden with the slugs.
Great $5 score. I have a bread machine also, I know you put the ingredients into the maker in the same order as listed on the recipe. It looks like you can choose the size of loaf you make by the pound on yours, you will need to make sure the recipe is for that same size loaf. Then when you push start or bake it should run you through a menu, just choose quick bake, or bake and let it go. Good luck with it, it can be addictive.
I envy the pyrex - I find them all over here but they are always $8-$10! ReallY? Bigger pieces are less. I wonder if you can find an older bread machine cookbook that would help with the how to.
Sorry can't help you with the bread maker book, I make mine by hand. Good luck.
Wensleydale cheese is scrummy, my favourite is Wensleydale with ginger...so creamy and crumbly, and cheese scones made with smoked Wensleydale are yummy. You can order it online from here www.wensleydale.co.uk
What a great find!!! Can't beat the price either. However, I would have given you my bread maker...never use it. I'll bet you will figure out on your own how to use it...you're a smart chick:-)
I'm very jealous you found the little Pyrex dishes so cheap. I'd chase you down for them...they are so cute, and you can use them for lots of things. Great finds you!
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