After 4 years and many, many plant re-locations (which still happens), the garden is beginning to fill out. I've yet to weed and feed two of my garden spots. But if the weather cooperates, this weekend I'll "git 'er done".

This plant is one of my new acquisitions this spring. It's called "Valerian" and the smell is gorgeous. Didn't even know it would have a scent, so that's an extra to the pretty little blossoms and interesting leaf structure.
This is my newest garden, made up of a lot of the plants that came from the front bed that had to be moved. I used an old bed sheet as a base before filling it in with lovely compost, peat moss and sheep manure. Then I ran out of supplies and energy so the back portion is not yet finished. The bricks in front are supposed to be a "step".
Poor me! I don't even remember the names of some of the plants and I do like to know what's growing and blooming. (I'll have to check my last year notes).
This bed is one of the closest to the back of the property. And I noticed a few days ago that the deer had begun to munch on a few of the plants. So, out came the "Skoot" and I had to spray (which is harmless to the deer but leaves beige spots on the plants).

Darn you, nasty Bambis! Why can't you just concentrate on my sacrificial Hosta bed I prepared for you? Why must you be so dog-gone greedy?
The countdown is on now for my "Summer o Freedom" when the students leave me for July and August. Ahhhhhh!
I'm practicing!
Now, let's head over to to check out the rest of the lovely blooms this week.
Maybe the deer need a sign to tell them where the hosta are - you know their their road crossing signs. LOL. great lookign garden - I'm also behind on mine but consider it an all summer project to move and refine and replant...I'm a much better quilter than gardener :)
I love your natural setting but apparently so do the deer. Can we ever win that struggle?
I have so many spots in my garden that have not been weeded and cared for it makes me sad. I wish I had the summer break to work on it.
Can't believe it has taken me this long to relocate you! I love your hairstyle now....cute shoes...hold on, summer break will be here for you soon...
.putting you back on my bloglist right now...
Aha! Valerian, that's what it is in my garden. I had put it in last year and couldn't recall the name or if I had put it there on purpose! Thanks.
I love love those sandals! Happy Friday!
Lots of lovely blooms. Love your sandals. I have added you to my Canada Blog Hop Thanks for stopping by.
The garden is something that is ongoing. If you have cleared a place so fine that a new and late is the old time to clear. Phew! Valerian is good to make herbal tea on the insomnia. The flower is sweet! Roe deer as cute animals but so greedy. Several of my tulips became a meal for them in April. Yikes! I wish you a nice weekend! Zinnia
Love the name of your blog! Your new garden bed is beautiful. I've never tried growing valarian, but it certainly is pretty.
wonderful garden! :)
Amazing garden! Beautiful!
You have some beautiful gardens and flowers. Are those pinky 'daisies' daisies or asters? I was visiting my friend today who has a terrible deer problem. We were looking at her flower beds and all the phlox and hostas were eaten last night! I would be so discouraged if that were my gardens. Thankfully the deer don't come down through here. No woods close by. I hope you have a nice weekend. The weather looks great.
I think you just solved a mystery for me. I got a plant from a plant sale last year and have been wondering ever since what the heck it was. Mine has never bloomed (although I see a couple buds starting to form now) so I can't be absolutely positive but the leaves look an awful lot like your valerian. You might not know all the plants in your garden but you just helped to identify a plant in mine!
So very pretty - love the new bed.
Beautiful time of the year.
Loved seeing your garden!
LOVIN' those shoes !!!!
It will be nice for you to have a quieter, perhaps calmer July and August.
Your little garden always looks pretty.
So far, we haven't had the deer bother our yard....they are always in the perimeter, but never in the actual "yard" (If I can call it that)
Your gardens are looking fantastic. I miss my flowers. Just haven't had the time to do any beds in the new home:)
I love those sandals, so dainty with the flowers. Your garden is thriving.
LOVE the shoes. They are delightfully chic. The garden and all your pretty flowers are beautiful. Takes alot of work to make a garden grow. Yours is going strong. A shame the deer want to munch on everything, though. FREEDOM from teens is a luxury indeed. ENJOY.
I am in LOVE with those Sandals and so, so jealous of your garden!! I love flower gardening and I too have been dividing a lot this year. I told my husband that we are going to run out of room!
Did you say you used a bed sheet as a weed barrier? That is ingenious!!
Your garden and blooms are just beautiful! Love Di ♥
You have such interesting gardens. I like browsing in your photos. I planted red valerian this year (I see a pic of it in the mosaic). So far no blooms. It's supposed to be very hardy but plants need to be extra- extra tough here at altitude. The deer have been nibbling here too. PS Didn't you hurt your foot this winter? Looks all healed now.
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