Friday, June 1, 2012

Rabbit, Rabbit!


Joyous, happy, welcome  month -- month full of change!  


Outside of work, here are just a few of the wonderful things that are in store for me this month.

All this .......... and it's Friday.

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks like June will be a busy month for you. It's so nice to be out and enjoying the sunshine! Hope your Friday is a fantastic one!

aliceinparis said...

Rabbit Rabbit! Yes, that's the first thing I said when I woke up:)I usually never remember. My Grandmother taught me that:)
June already! Summer is upon us! hooray!Have a great month:)

Diana said...

June is busting out all over!! You have a great weekend too Sandy. Or weather is supposed to be gorgeous!!
Love Di ♥

Pamela Gordon said...

I love your mosaic! Great idea to include all your favorite things in it. I love June and hopefully we'll have some nice days to enjoy the outdoors. Have a super weekend!

My Little Home and Garden said...

A friend once told me that growing up her family would say "white rabbit, white rabbit". Maybe it's one of those regional differences! :)

Anonymous said...

So looking forward to June, putting in anew perennial garden, hope the weather works with me. Hears to a good weekend for all.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your collage - especially the ice cream and TGIF! sandie


You have your June mapped out for you. My favorite collage piece is the lady reading the book. She looks at peace and oh so happy. ENJOY each day of this wonderful month. Take care.

bj said...

Love June....and ice cream. :)


  Sorry! I thought I could return to a normal schedule. But my sense of 'normal' has changed. After the past 5 years of various ailm...