I'm so busy trying to deal with today, I don't often think too far into the future (except to wonder what to get for dinner tomorrow night and when I might possibly be able to eat cheesecake again.)
Because my life is so full, I don't I don't often think about being a woman alone (because, Gol Darnit!, I can't get anyone to leave me alone even when I purposely don't shower for days!).
And the only time that I ever think about those two things together -- Sandy in the future as a single woman -- is when I come across a picture like this one that fills me with terror:
How to organize and stack my cats! |
Will it come to that, do you think?
Man, I better start stocking up on Purina now!
You are too funny. I had my day with cats and dogs. Many years of having both and now it's just easier to be alone...and less expensive too.
Interesting cat picture!!! I don't have any cats or dogs!! I would be too worried that they would poop all over.. and my mom seriously has a Cat phobia!! She is TERRIFIED!!!
True story: When she was a kid a Cat scratched her cornea and lost her eye due to infections!! she has since got her vision back with several on going life procedures so, needless to say she is a Scared!!!
Oh yes, don't we all fear becoming the cat lady in the neighborhood? Love the picture! Bonnie
LOL, loved the photo but then my husband calls me a cat lady in training. Love my cats and can totally see me becoming the nutty old lady with stackable kitties.
Oh don't become a cat lady!! I'm just stating to enjoy my time alone but still have pets. I'd go on trips if I didn't have pets!! Although I do love them. That was a cute photo!
Love Di ♥
Oh, how funny. My sister is married but she has so many cats that she too is afraid of becoming a cat lady!
My hat is off to anyone who got cats to look at the camera all at the same time, it must be trick photography!
I own two kitties that we have had for years and I refer to them as my hubby's cats. Since I retired I have more time to observe the wildlife that inhabits my yard. Besides the farmer's cows that occasionally get out and like to roam my yard every now and then, I have discovered the farmer's cats. I started to feed one, who I was not sure belonged to anyone. Soon, she brought a friend, and in 6 months, I had three. One had kittens, and we were able to find homes for three of the four. The remaining one lives in a cat house on our deck.
The things you never thought you would do, but then, life happens! It is hard to resist a kitten.
Stacking cats, so cute.
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