Rabbit Rabbit Everyone!
When I awoke at 6:30 this morning, I could hear the click-click of frozen snow on the windowpane.
A day all school children adore -- Snow Day!
And what a way to start March. In like a lion, out like a lamb, I guess --- I hope!

"Should I attempt to go into work now?" I wondered
My God-sent, mysterious shovelling man (who's been showing up for the past couple of weeks) did not show today. So, after the girls had been up for a while, we all went outside to shovel. The temperature as perfect and we finished in less than an hour.
Thank Heavens for those little girls!
Time for hot chocolate and cinnamon bread and more much deserved rest |
BTW -- it's snowing again. Oy vey!
So, what's happening in your neck of the wood this first day of March?
What are you dreaming of today?
Definitely a lion, Sandy - The Husband is just in from digging us out (very long driveway)!! As I work from home, there was no Snow Day for me :( I'm really hoping this is the last of it so I can get back to running outside on a consistant basis!!
Happy March :)
Sounds like a lovely way to spend a snowy morning. Here in Kelowna,it's the opposite,warm(15)and very sunny. The street sweeper is working in my neighbourhood. I spent the morning out shopping,haunting the used book stores and now heading out for a walk. Will finish reading my current book(Ken Follet-Whiteout) before dinner. Now,should I make meatloaf or bbq burgers....?
I'm dreaming the same as you as we got dumped on yesterday in the same storm system. Spring weather can't come soon enough and I know it won't be for another month probably. Such is life in the Maritimes.
We didn't get snow today, but we've had snow ever since November. It's a totally white blanket out there, but the temps have been creeping into the 30s F. which is a good sign - like maybe we actually will get spring? Unfortunately, March is usually the snowiest month. wah.
Hope you have a great weekend!
We're having weather in the 30's some snow flurries then it turns to rain. Just butt freezing cold. So tired of winter.
We got out today and did some errands. Felt good but miss seeing the sunshine.
I'm so ready for spring and you are right, it's nearly here. Here's to spring!!!! Cheers.
My books are available on Amazon.
Vada Faith, fiction
Ezra and Other Stories, collection of short stories. Month of March only .99
Snow and freezing cold here for March 1st. Not enough for a snow day but then I'm retired and can stay in anyway. Glad you have those helpers with the shoveling.
I wouldn't have minded a bit of snow here, we just got freezing rain. Everything is mucky now. Feels like spring in the air though, there's a warmth to the sun that wasn't there before.
It doesn't snow here much but just a few flurries today. Daffodils and forsythia are already beginning to bloom! Stay warm old girl! Me too!
I live in the US, in the south ,near the Gulf Coast. It is a rainy day here but about 60 degrees.
Sandra what part of Nova Scotia do you live in? My husband and I visited in NS two summers ago . We spent a month there and loved it. My Brother and his wife have a cottage there. We were in Claire, Nova Scotia . We took a trip to Prince Edward Island and traveled the Cabot trail . I cried when I had to come home , I fell in love with the people and just about everything I saw and did while there , I can't wait to return, I want to stay longer. My brother will be returning to NS about the end of April, I think I will stow away in the back of the van.
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