Today, I want to take the time to thank another wonderful blogger that I follow.

Ma was one of my first followers (and I hers). She's a dear lady who always leaves an encouraging comment and whose own blogs are full of words that lift your heart and your spirit, give you cause for reflection and/or make you laugh.
Thank you Ma -- you deserve an award!

This blog award is so pretty congrads on receiving it.
No, no! I didn't receive the award; I'm giving it. I just want other bloggers to know how much I enjoy that blog. (And I don't know how to send it to her!) Help??
Dear Doris the Great...thanks for your comment! How did you find me? Don't you love the blogging community? It is SO much fun! wheeeeeee!
Cheryl in Indiana
Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog today!
All you do to give it to her is leave her a comment that says "I have an award for you at my blog" or something like that.
Oh I do thank you for the award. I did pick it up yesterday and I thought I left a comment here for you too. I don't see it so I guess the internet ate it up...wonders never cease. I give all credit to God for my blog(s)He is my inspiration and only hope to spread the sunshine each day. Hope your Friday is a great one!
HI, Doris, thanks for stopping by, I see you must be a good shopper too. You should do a thrifty shoe post, that would be fun to read.
What nice awards to give :-)
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
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