I won't see my garden for almost a week! and I'm trying to hold myself together. But my girls have promised to take pictures of what blooms while I'm gone! Here's what's blooming this morning.
The Evening Primrose continue to flourish.

A very blurry shot of this pretty sedum.

This is one of several begonias that I rescued from a nursery. Beautiful color!
This is the first hosta to flower, and there are several in bud. I'm hoping at least a couple of the many, many others throughout the garden will wait for my return.

Another rescue operation. There were 2 sad little mini rose bushes for 99 cents that I bought and planted just last weekend. Another gardener gave me a huge clump of garlic that looks so pretty in the garden; so I planted some next to each rose to keep the aphids away.

Another rescue operation. There were 2 sad little mini rose bushes for 99 cents that I bought and planted just last weekend. Another gardener gave me a huge clump of garlic that looks so pretty in the garden; so I planted some next to each rose to keep the aphids away.
those shasta daisys are soooo cheerful looking arent they? Have a wonderful week!!!
it be nice to see how much your garden changes while you are gone!!!
Happy FF to you!!!
Your flowers look great!!(-: I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Have a good week away. Your flowers are positively beautiful - even or should I say especially - your saves.
Beautiful flowers - I just love this garden hopping! Have a great week.
Everything looks so pretty. I saw that lily on someone else's FF blog post too, and I just love it.
I was at Canadian Tire last week and picked up a begonia for $2.99. It wasn't on sale but it was in such good shape compared to all the plants around it that I just had to rescue it. CT had stacks and stacks of baskets they had dumped out because the flowers had all died. I don't understand why they don't mark their prices down before that happens ... Lucky you finding such good deals!
My favorite? Your white astilbe! Beautiful! ~~Rhonda
Not to worry...the flowers will still be blooming when you get back. Tickseed will bloom for many months if deadheaded. The look of that white Astilbe is quite striking.
I can see why you will miss it- everything looks amazing.
I'm sure they'll miss you, too!
I have some of that plant that you call sedum in my flower beds too. I have just always called it ground cover for lack of any other word. I do have a different plant that I call sedum so I'll have to share some pictures with you as they look nothing like yours.
Very nice....leaving your garden is like leaving your family.
That is some terrific garden you have. We're having so much rain the NE our gardens are drowning. Have fun at camp.
I thank you for your gracious Hospitality and generous sharing of this splendid Sanctuary. Most lovely ... and kind of You.
Lovingly ...
So pretty I love flowers and I talk to mine all the time, I ask them If they like where they live!
I'm visiting from my mom's blog list
no botox allowed
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