It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure and go over and visit our hostess Tootsie and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertlizing every Friday! In spite of my being away and in spite of the continual rain, the garden is surviving and some parts are thriving. But please Mr Sun; please come and STAY a while!!
False Sunflower

Day lilies in the back shade garden are just beginning.

Please help me -- who am I? What I'd been thinking was Lamb's Ears ain't! But these bright pink blossoms are really pretty.

One of my 99 cent rose bushes continues to charm!

Please help me -- who am I? What I'd been thinking was Lamb's Ears ain't! But these bright pink blossoms are really pretty.

One of my 99 cent rose bushes continues to charm!
are your pink blooms rose campion?
your photos are just so pretty! I wish I could capture my flowers with the right setting!
Your garden looks great friend...and the gnomes add a little humor to them too!
thanks for joining in. I will add you to the linky...since I am late to put it up!
Your hostas look great - so full! And those 99 cent roses were worth every penny eh? Great pictures this week :-)
Beautiful garden pictures! I love your garden gnomes! They look very comfortable there!
Thank you O.I.M. Yes, they're rose campion. It's one of those plants I purchased at a road-side stall the year before last; but I do remember someone telling me that's what it was. They're so pretty!
We have had a lack of sun around here too and I know things would be growing better with some sunshine. Weeds and grass are thriving. Have a great weekend!
Your gnomes are absolutely adorable. They have the cutest grins - just makes me smile!
Very pretty! I think the little white one is a type of Campanula. I've tried growing them but the slugs mow them down before they get a chance to bloom.
I think those false Sunflowers have the neatest flowers!
Looks just beautiful!! Love the gnomes too - I need some of them.
Your garden is looking great! Yes, the pink flowered plant is Rose Campion.
Yes your pink blooms are rose campion, a close relative of lambs ears, but not so soft. Love the gnome.
That false sunflower is very interesting. I need to get me one of those ;-)
Your photos are great. I look forward to touring the rest of your gardens through your blog!
you have made
the world
more beautiful!
I love, love your false sunflowers. I don't (yet) have those. And your orange daylily would look really great in my garden. I've been on the lookout for one like that. Anyway, you have wonderful pics.
What a lovely fanciful garden. Beautiful. I won't be able to check on you until about September with my move and all and we have to get High Speed internet. I will sure miss my blogger friends in the meantime.
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