I began my vacation on Friday morning, July 10th. I packed up my car and headed to Liverpool (about a half hour drive). I parked and strolled the streets, going into little shops and discount stores. (I got a couple of bargains -- shaving cream & Wheatabix!) The highlight of that little visit was lunch at the Woodpile, a lovely little cafe slash wood carving studio. I sat near the window and dined on their Asian Terakki chicken salad (greens, grilled chicken, almonds, Chinese noodles and a delicious Terakki sauce) with a perfectly-portioned Skor cheesecake (it was divine!) and a Chai latte to go. I left feeling very content.
It was a perfect day for driving; clear with sunny breaks and not too hot. I listened to an oldies radio station and sipped my chai in between belting out songs from the 60's and 70's.

I drove from Liverpool to South Brookfield where I stopped briefly on the side of the road at Bear Trap Lodge which was my ex husband's beloved home and where he died peacefully Dec 2007. (I remembered him and his loving, gentle nature and said a little prayer for those he left behind, most importantly his 3 beautiful daughters!) I drove past Kedji National Park, and after about an hour and a half, I reached South Maitland just outside Annapolis Royal where I spent the night at a dear friend's house. This may be one of the last time's I get to visit her here as her husband is in the early stages of Alzheimer's and she may have to close up her country home. But we had a lovely time together, drinking wine, eating junk and playing cards and dice.

I left the next morning with a hug and a kiss, a couple of new-to-me garden gnomes and a lovely new rooster for my sideboard. I made the short drive into historic Annapolis Royal where I visited their Farmer's Market. Mum had recommended I check them out, and I was really glad I did. I spent an hour and a half wandering and taking in the sounds (live Acadian music) and the smells (wonderful breads, sausages, and sweets) and any free samples offered. I bought myself some homemade "White licorice in butter cream" truffles which were surprisingly good; a couple of bottles of local wine -- pear and rhubarb (the samples were delicious); and a new sunhat.

I left Annapolis Royal and took the road over the mountain and along the coastline of the Fundy Shore. I stopped at Hampton Beach (below) and sat by the water while I ate my pear and custard pastry. I was the only one there! Before I left, I made sure to get myself another heart-shaped rock for my garden collection.
I drove back over the mountain into Bridgetown, and wandered through the old shopping district for a little while. Then I drove on the old highway from there to Berwick, stopping at almost every yard sale or Frenchies store I saw. I didn't buy a lot. But I kept reminding myself that because I was alone, it was my duty to myself to indulge in whatever struck my fancy and not to be in a hurry. It was really, really relaxing.
Somehow in my delight at all the yard sales I found, I forgot to stop for lunch until I suddenly realized my fatigue was hunger. By that time, it was 3:30 pm; and I knew that I'd be having a substantial dinner at 5. So I got an iced cappuccino at Tim Horton's to go with the huge, yummy date square from the Market. Not the most nutritious lunch -- but it sure was good!
I arrived at the Ashram in Berwick around 4 pm, found my accomodations, unpacked, parked my car, ate a great supper with some old friends and prepared to enjoy the next 5 days of blessing and relaxation.
But that's another blog!
Welcome back, Sandy, I always come home to relax too. Looking forward to more 'episodes'.
You described your trip so well, I almost felt like I was tagging along. Looking forward to part 2!
thanks for taking us along!!! WELCOME HOME!!!
A lovely hat and smile is always a good start for a vacation.
The trip sounds heavenly. I loved the beach pictures especially. The beginning of your vacation has set the rest of the week ahead to be a wonderful one I think.
Sounds like a wonderful time!
That made me really wish I was home in Nova Scotia for the summer.
It's raining cats and dogs here in Toronto, and scheduled to keep on raining until Sunday.
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