It was a wonderful but somewhat sad experience to be home this August helping my Mom and Dad pack up a houseful of memories and then moving them into an apartment.
It was embarassing coming across some of my old report cards. Owww! I was not a very studious girl during those high school years! (But I sure had a lot of fun.)
It was funny to look back at old photographs, especially the one of me in Grade 2; my teeth were too big for my face that year and then my Mom was kind enough to give me a Toni permanent. Whoah! I'd a never found a husband if he'd seen that one!
Then there were all the old 45's and the LP's. There were some of the first ones that I ever listened to (Peter, Paul & Mary and Anne Murray); there were my brothers Pink Floyd and my Deep Purple. Plus there were the rec room party memories conjured up by the Italian ones from Mom's & Dad's trip to Rome -- memories of my brother and I peeping over the top of the stairs and seeing beautiful ladies in their quilted hostess dresses drinking pink fizzy concoctions and dapper men wearing red & white pin-striped bell bottoms, holding ice-filled old-fashioned glasses and playing darts. How we laughed to watch them dance!
Packing up the china cupboards was a fun experience though because I was gifted with several items, like this gorgeous tea set. It was the first thing my Mom ever bought for her mother when she started work (1946??).
It was embarassing coming across some of my old report cards. Owww! I was not a very studious girl during those high school years! (But I sure had a lot of fun.)
It was funny to look back at old photographs, especially the one of me in Grade 2; my teeth were too big for my face that year and then my Mom was kind enough to give me a Toni permanent. Whoah! I'd a never found a husband if he'd seen that one!
Then there were all the old 45's and the LP's. There were some of the first ones that I ever listened to (Peter, Paul & Mary and Anne Murray); there were my brothers Pink Floyd and my Deep Purple. Plus there were the rec room party memories conjured up by the Italian ones from Mom's & Dad's trip to Rome -- memories of my brother and I peeping over the top of the stairs and seeing beautiful ladies in their quilted hostess dresses drinking pink fizzy concoctions and dapper men wearing red & white pin-striped bell bottoms, holding ice-filled old-fashioned glasses and playing darts. How we laughed to watch them dance!
Packing up the china cupboards was a fun experience though because I was gifted with several items, like this gorgeous tea set. It was the first thing my Mom ever bought for her mother when she started work (1946??).

I also got 2 cocktail shakers. With this one, I can relive those wonderful parties from the late 60's. (I even know how to dance EXACTLY like Mom and Dad!).

The 2nd one will get passed on to my oldest daughter because Heaven knows! I have plenty of my own "far-out" memories from the 1970's.

But one of the oddest things I came across was this chocolate box of chocolates from Laura Secord that I gave my Mom one Xmas before I even met my future husband -- probably 1977. The individual chocolates inside got eaten; but Mom thought the box was much too pretty. (And it certainly is pretty.)

Lessons learned from this packing experience:
- Never let your Mother cut/style your hair or you WILL be embarassed later in life.
- Contrary to what you believed when you were a teenager, your parents really were hip and cool and that music does grow on you.
- 33 yr old chocolate does NOT taste good, especially when it's been stored in the hope chest with the scented soaps and old perfume bottles!
Now, remember to head on over to Bloggeritaville for other Thrifty Thursday treasures.
And you should also check out Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by Colorado Lady.
What wonderful treasures. :) The cookie cutters are amazing. I'm sure your daughter is going to love them. Thank you for sharing with us.
How wonderful to have some many memories to pass forward and to see the ne next generation enjoy them... that is a beautiful set of dishes and the cookie cutters just darling... HHL
Cute dishes and I love the cookie cutters-enjoy!
The gifts from your Mom are indeed treasures. And the memories are worth their weight in gold. It's nice to be able to pass on things like that to your daughters too. Especially the memories.
Great memories! Love the cockttail shaker!
I remember that era very well! :-D So many memories and treasures of your past.
I really like the second cocktail shaker. I see the first one quite often in the thrifts, but have never seen the second one. Far out!
That was a fun post! I've been packing and sorting things of my parents over the last few years. It is always a trip down memory lane!
I bet that chocolate box is worth money! How unique!
What a hoot! Love your advice.
Your vintage items are amazing!
Love 'em all!
I love that tea set. What wonderful memories and treasures you were able to acquire on that trip. I'd say priceless! Have a great VTT!
Love the memories! I love going to my mom's and looking at all her treasures. So many fabulous memories attached to many of them. Love the tea set and the cookie cutters! xxoo
Yes, the Toni perm....my mom gave me one in the second grade as well - I still can't believe she made me go to school after I bawled my eyes out.....It's so wonderful having treasures from our parents - and the memories that go with them.
thanks for sharing your memories. The cookie cutters are my favorites . . . and of course, the chocolate!
You crack me up girl. Remember the commercial "Tonette, with the little girl in mind?" I swear, mama would roll up my scalp in the perm rods and say, "the tighter we roll 'em ~~ the better it will take." OUCH!!!
I just love your brothers, Pink Floyd and Deep Purple, they were quite groovy!
Ahhhh, a trip down memory lane but I know it had to be heartfelt packin' your folks up. I'm goin' to Texas after the first of the month...Dad's in the last stages of leukemia...this is gonna be a hard one. :o(
God bless ya and have a great day!!!
BTW: So you actually tried the old chocolate??? Girl, ya do have it bad don't ya?
I love the tea set. Even better that there's a story behind it!
I'd laugh at you trying the chocolate after all these years, but I'd have done the same!
Re tasting the 33 yr old chocolate: it was a dare! And just like not being able to ignore the "pull the fire alarm, Sandy!" dare in Gr 10, I could not ignore this one. THIS time, however, I did not end up in detention and my Mom didn't ground me for a month! Trying to get that taste out of my mouth was punishment enough.
I am living proof that old fools never die!
Sandy what a wonderful post for today. I so identify with you in helping the parents undo their house. Some wonderful memories there. I could not get linky to work for me today so am inviting you over for a visit. blessings
I am surprised the old chocolate still looks like chocolate!
Ohh, that chocolate box is just great!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment.
Whatever the reason your parents had to move, it turned out to be an advantage for you. In the process, you gained some wonderful treasures. I enjoyed seeing and learning your thoughts on another time.
Oh hahahahaha... if you were young in the 70s and you REMEMBER them, you did OK. :-P
Red and white pinstriped pants? Wow your parents' friends were way cooler than my parents' friends.
But how nice, in the bittersweet life change your parents are going thru, that you can pass on precious things with memories to your own children.
I'm sure my girls would make good use of an old cocktail shaker too!
great post. You could pay for a year of their apt. fees with some of their treasures. :)
These are treasured memories!!! I would love to have more cookie cutters like those. I have a few with handles on them and they are a favorite... I never like working with the new fangled plastic ones as much as I do the old fashioned metal ones. I truly admired those lovely dishes having a weakness for things like that!!!
That is such a pretty little tea set! Lucky you to inherit that! And yuk to eating the old chocolate! It sure looked pretty though!
Lucky that your Mom was a Keeper!
Hi Sandy, what a wonderful walk through your past. I love the tea set and everything you shared today. The candy box is a hoot. Something my mom would have saved. How wonderful to have the memories of your parents when they were young. A special time with special parents.
Hugs, Jeanne
I remember the home-done Toni perms. I was mum's victim several times...and have at least one picture to prove it! The china set is beautiful - glad you got it back.
Terrific thingies, I love those shakers and the tea set is gorgeous. I'd have probably tried the chocolate, too, knowing it was Laura Secord. I wish they shipped to the States. Fun post!
I love the martini shakers. They are too cool. I would use them noe. Thanks for sharing.
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You ~Ron
Going down memory lane is the fun part of helping family pack/thin-out. You certainly ended up with some treasures to keep.
I bet that was fun going through all those things at your parents house. Great things to pass on to your children also.....LOVE those cookie cutters.
I love "items" that hold memories.
Bittersweet memories, indeed.
Like everyone, I love the tea set. And I can't get over the fact that the chocolate box looks so fresh! Of course, you know better!
You certainly have lots of cookie cutters now, don't you? I think I remember you buying a boxful of them last year!
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