I still remember last year when I waxed poetic about how I've grown to love you.
And yes, I confess that I have already indulged in a most delicious beef vegetable soup with shredded cheese and a dollop of sour cream on the top AND warm 7-grain rolls. Yummmm!
And yes; I also confess that eating that dark, rich piece of gingerbread with whipped cream reminded me of days past when you and I eagerly perused cookery books and earmarked recipes that would warm one's innards on cold, wet days.
And yes; I also confess that eating that dark, rich piece of gingerbread with whipped cream reminded me of days past when you and I eagerly perused cookery books and earmarked recipes that would warm one's innards on cold, wet days.
And yes, yes yes! I am soooo looking forward to your arrival and the beauty that you bring.
And yes, yes yes! I am soooo looking forward to your arrival and the beauty that you bring.
But could I respectfully ask that you wait just a little longer until the official date?
You see, there are still things I want to do with my good friend Summer. Things like:
Another walk on the beach with bare toes and a short-sleeved shirt ...... and dare I say it? A swim!
Ohhh! A swim! My few swims in the ocean this year were marvelous. I didn't even mind my hair sticking out at all angles after the drive home nor did I mind the sand in the bathtub. I was still full of the feeling of lightness and being carefree that floating in the ocean brings.
Ohhh! A swim! My few swims in the ocean this year were marvelous. I didn't even mind my hair sticking out at all angles after the drive home nor did I mind the sand in the bathtub. I was still full of the feeling of lightness and being carefree that floating in the ocean brings.
And I really do need to sit outside and eat a few more times with my good friend Lucy. (We've a luncheon date tomorrow at The Wildwood Cafe but - egad! - It's supposed to rain! Can you do anything about that?)
An Italian soda under the sunshine
Is so delicious; so divine!
Will that poem help my cause any?
So, dear Autumn; be assured of my love and commitment to you. We shall have such good times together. My head is just buzzing with wonderful, warm, crisp ideas!
But not until September 23rd, okay?
Your fairly new friend,
PS - Would you consider it pushing my luck if I pulled those boxes of fall/winter clothing out from under the bed and tried them on?
I am hanging on to these last days of summer also. No Fall decorations yet, but I feel soon. I think I'm ready for some mums!! Enjoy your lunch...go away rain!!
boy...you got that right! I am clinging on for dear life. As much as I love the delicious coolness of Fall I don't want my summer to go away. Bobby G. closed the pool last Sunday and I cried. Can you believe that I cried over something as silly as that? Sigh.....
We all want to cling to summer for a few more days!
I perfectly agree with you!Autumn can wait!!!Kisses from the south of Italy,Anna.
Loved your post, seems like you love summer a lot.
Here in India where summer is very hot in most places people wait impatiently for it to get over.
Well fortunately I live in that part of India where the weather is always pleasant, with just 2 months of reasonable heat, and the rest of the year is very cool and pleasant.
Well trust you enjoyed your lunch with your friend.
You are welcome to visit my site too. Bye.
Great post! You expressed my sentiments exactly. I hope Mother Nature is listening.
Hi, Sandy,
I'm with your on the waiting a little for Autumn. Seems we are always being so rushed into seasons these day.
Thanks for the sweet comment about my print.
Oh honey, if ya'll find out how to hold it off just a little longer please let me in on your secret!
You and Lucy have a marvelous luncheon tomorrow and take a big bite of something indulgent and say..."this is for Nezzy"! My birthday was yesterday and I had no cake, no chocolate and no rich creamy icin'. :o(
God bless ya and have a terrific SUMMER day!!!
I was smiling all the way through.. wonderful post!!! I hope Mr. Autumn , held out the rain, so you could enjoy lunch outdoors with your friend!!! XO HHL
It is already to cool here to have that last dip. I did see on the long range forecast though that we may still have a summer like day sometime next week. Then too we don't officially have Indian summer until after the last frost and that is a way off yet. Fall will tease us for awhile and then abruptly put a stop to it. Summer will say good bye. While they are here I too will enjoy the summer days.
Your entry said it all.
Beautifully written. I agree!
I love the weather now but wait, wait, I do not want winter soon.
Cute! I love this post! Beach visits are the best now...no crowd! So what if the water is a tad cool!
Happy FALL to you, Sandy...great foliage photo!
Lynn ;)
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