School has officially begun on the South Shore. And even though my baby is thousands of miles away at Nursing Orientation today, I'm still sending kids off to school.
My latest babies packed up their lunch bags and headed off for their first day of school in Canada!
Carolina from Mexico is 18 and in Grade 12; Gini from Germany is 15 and in Grade 10. As I dropped them at the school door this morning, I felt the same trepidation that I did 13 years ago: Will they be scared? Did they pack enough for lunch? Will they make nice friends? Are they wearing the right brand of sneakers?

Even though these two have many years of schooling under their tiny little belts, this is new, and mixed with the excitement is, I'm sure, a little fear. After all, this is not just a different school with different faces and subjects; this is a different language! A whole new experience! A brand new start!
But this Mama knows they'll be fine. They're young and smart and confident; what great stories there'll be round the supper table.
The beginning of school is like a new start for me as well. After Hurricane Earl this weekend, there's a definate change in the weather. The mornings and evenings are quite cool; and I do believe I can smell Autumn! So, I find myself making new lists and reminders to myself.
Not like my summer lists to go to the beach or read a few summer romance novels.

Not like my summer lists to go to the beach or read a few summer romance novels.
My Autumn lists remind me to clean out the shed in preparation for storing the garden paraphernalia and to spend a day in the month preparing meals for the freezer. They remind me to savor every last sun ray and warm breeze and to watch for the first red and gold leaf. They remind me to get back into my exercise routine at the YMCA, and to feed both my body and my mind with good, healthy food -- harvest time is coming soon!
The lists also tell me that it will soon be time to pull the boxes out from under the bed and #1 check the Xmas gifts (that's always fun!) and #2 check the winter clothing (can be kinda fun??). After my weight loss since I joined TOPS, are any of them too big? And after my 2 weeks vacation in NL, are any of them too small?
That that can remind me to

Oh Dear!!
Do you have your own autumn lists?
Sure shootin' I do. Fall here on the Ponderosa is filled with winter wheat planting, workin' the cattle heard, fixin' fence then there's the house...and the trip to Texas. Speakin' of were hit hard by the hurricane last night.
The girls are simply adorable. Your gonna have so much fun!
Ya'll have a beautifully blessed day!!!
I wish everyone well there going back to school. You are such a sweetie doing the exchange students again. I've started decorating for fall and pulling out some of the warmer clothing too. We are hot yet today but a front coming in with storms will make for a much cooler tomorrow here.
I have all sorts of lists. And I lose all sorts of lists!!!! I'm just happy that autumn is coming.
It's really cool about the two girls going off to school. Wow, I can't imagine what it must be like to be in a completely different culture with a different language. How brave they are and how wonderful you are for having them and supporting them!
Autumn is an interesting time for sure...of cleaning, organinzing, nesting of sorts, preparing
but I DREAD WINTER...it is too long, too cold, and too isolating here for me in Alberta
But I do love the smell and feel of autumn
Ya, that picture is of me laying on the floor by the scale.
My autumn list this year is just to do some fall cleaning and organizing.
Boring I know.
Back to school for our grandchildren too. I loved this post and the images of your lovely girls. Big Hugs! Katherine
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