- Being green. I can't save the humpback, but I can help recycle by reusing someone's gently used castoffs.

- Health. Used clothing is healthier for you and for the environment because it doesn't emit those nasty factory chemicals.
- Decluttering. I almost always drop off a bag of my own discards before I attempt to refill it. And I never come home with more than I've left there. This year I have adopted the rule that nothing new enters the house without something going out. (For 2012 -- Latest count: 173 items out; perhaps 40 items in.)
- Supporting worthy causes. We don't have a Goodwill in NS; but we do have The Daisy, which fund-raises for our local hospital and The Sally Ann (Salvation Army) which helps needy families or sends kids to camp etc. As for shopping at the Frenchies and Value Village -- well, at least they create employment locally.
- Being frugal. Where else can you buy a pair of dress pants or a tailored shirt for $4 each. Where else can you indulge your desire to redecorate your bedroom with new curtains, spread and sheets and spend only a pittance of what it could have cost.

- Live the rich life. I have designer names in my closet! It's so rewarding telling someone who's admired my beautiful Clark shoes that they cost me $15 as opposed to $100. My children were able to enjoy dressing in Gap and American Eagle. And that gorgeous velvet, satin-lined black cape that I wear for special occasions would never be in my closet if it wasn't $8.
- Being unique. You'll seldom see your clothing on the street. And you can put together one-of-a-kind outfits or have unique "chatkas" in your home that others can't duplicate.
- Being creative. You know that great idea you saw in a magazine or on another blog? Well, here are the means for achieving it at your local thrift store. Recovering a lampshade, repurposing an old metal bucket, creating a new way to hang your jewellery? Ideas abound when I stroll through the aisles of the thrift stores.
- Well dressed babies. No one needs to spend a bundle outfitting your home for baby's arrival. Kiddies never outgrow their clothing, so they're not only cheap but in excellent shape.
- Reconnecting with the Past. My 25 yr old daughter loves to shop retro. And it's always a hoot to come across something from my childhood days. Then there's that great Al Stewart LP that I threw out (sighhh) -- or my 38 yr old daughter's Fisher Price castle that I never should have let go.
- Cheap stress release. Had a bad day (week, month, year)? As much as we know we should never shop just because we're stressed, it's hard to feel guilty when you've only spent $10 -- much cheaper than a bottle of booze or a therapist!
- Adventure and fun! Ahhhh! The thrill of the hunt as I search for a great navy blue skirt. And the fun I have when I shop with my girls and top it off with a meal together and a coffee at Starbucks.
I too live by the theory of anything brought into my house at least one item leaves. Ya never have to worry 'bout the clutter that way.
Great list to support thriftin' sweetie. Clarks for $15.oo...really??? I'm ashamed to tell ya what I pay. (blushin' here)
God bless ya and have an awesome kinda day!!! You rock girl!!!
I LOVE thrifting too. When my daughters were babies we lived in a house we couldn't afford. I thrifted to make ends meet. But when we found ourselves with more to spend I still did it. Unique things are to be had, for sure. ENJOY. Take care.
It does, it does. I got my college kiddo Clark sandals for two bucks at a yard sale on Saturday. right now every item I am wearing is from a thrift store or yard sale. Great post.
All extremely good points here. Love the photo of the baby with the crochet cap, it makes me want to make one just like it!
Very good post!
I don't always shop at thrift stores but I have made it a rule to buy something on sale if there is something I want. End of season sales are wonderful too. You get things for a third of the cost they'd be otherwise. I think that every thing on your list rings true here. Why pay for costly things when you don't have too. After all the extra money can always be spent on something else...like gas for the car or dinner out. At my age there is nothing that I need so bad I can't wait to find it cheaper. I never pay full price.
I totally agree with you, though I admit that I dom't follow those guidelines very often. I do love the thrill of a find in the Thrift Store - it's akin to finding a treasure. I love to repurpose furniture and home decor!
My husband just read that Whole Foods is now taking in corks to recycle. Hubby has been saving them for years, the grandkids used them as building toys or weapons, depending on their mood. I would hate to tell you how many we have, but they are substantial. Perhaps a whole park could be built with them.
You are SOOO right - but you knew that, right? Love the list.
Value Village is an absolute must for my husband's clothing. He gets everything dirty and full of glue anyway so why pay full price for clothes he'll just wreck. I tend to buy some expensive stuff for the office but it's often offset by thrift store finds as well. The house is chock full of reused furniture. The Re-store, second hand furniture shop, garage sales and auctions have almost exclusively decorated our home.
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