We had wonderful food: humus and tzatziki, dolmas and samosas, tabouli, almond cake, turkish delight, home-made halvah and delicious little ricotta filled cakes dipped in maple syrup.
After the food, a local belly-dance group performed for us. It was wonderful to see all ages and shapes 'n' sizes in the group; they were a good group (the young girl in aqua was soooo very good!), and it was a really inexpensive ($15) and fun evening!
I took a few belly-dancing classes years ago, and I'd like to attend the Wednesday night class at the YMCA because it's such good exercise. (Plus there's the extra added bonus of feeling all skinny and sexy afterwards --- things I don't usually feel these days!) But alas, my Wednesdays are already taken.
Still dancing in any form is good exercise. So, after the Waldorf, Diana and I headed down the shore to meet friends for an evening of dancing at the LaHave Fire Hall. "The Usual Suspects" were playing, and they're a fantastic local cover band. I danced for almost every number, and didn't get home until the wee hours.
It was wonderful!!!!
And I'm sure that after one more foot soaking and a couple more good night's rest, I'll be fully recovered!
We're in for a week of rain here on the South Shore; so I'm looking forward to the green that will follow. What did you do last weekend?
New camera!!!! Hoooooray!!!! I love blogs with pics. :-)
I can't always have my own pics, but I do like it when others share parts of their life. Pics do that.
Whooo-hooooo, me too. Took a Belly Dancing class, years ago. Got dragged to it by a friend. Kicking and screaming I was, but his gal didn't take NO for an answer. -grin-
I am totally uncoordinated and can not follow instructions, as in a dancing class. Yikes! -sigh-
Also got hooked into some other similar class, by another friend. Same thing! Eeeeek. I hated it. lol.
Needless to say, I never did sports either. Good thing I was born *back at the beginning of time*, when one could just be cute. LOL!!!!!!!!
Good for you! Dancing! Good for you!!!
The food sounds fantastic. It must have been a fun night. I'd better perk things up here!
Ah, this getting old business isn't for sissies! Everything you eat throws your body chemistry out of whack as it move directly to your hips; any useful form of exercise puts you in a knee brace for a week afterward, you can't drink any more 'cause it conflicts with you spleen medication...
But, perhaps being happy and enjoying life is a component of good health as well. Sounds like your experiment is well on its way; you should get the results in about ten years.
By the way, have you visited my new digs yet? Same old me, brand new look...
Woohoo...I'm so thrilled ya went and bought yourself a new camera sweetie. It's a bloggers necessity!
Sounds like ya had a blast and a half this weekend and the food looks marvelous!
Unlike last weekend when we worked 76 head of feeder cattle Saturday I got me work finished and treated myself to a afternoon movie while I painted my nails and did my church lessons.
Sunday after my 'big top' breakfast (Farm Boy fixes) I was off to church to teach my Pre~teen SS and lead Kid's Church. After services we zipped through Subway drive through and headed outta town to Social Butterflies and her family.
See, I was havin' grandkiddo withdrawal somethin' awful! Heehehehee!!!
Ninety miles later I had my fix is hugs, kisses and sittin' in a tent we headed back stoppin' in Springfield Mo. at Ruby Tuesday to split a burger plate. It's the way we fly.
Made it home 'round eight thirty when a phone message relieved some cattle was on a neighborin' farm... and the beat goes on!!!
Sorry ya asked yet? :o)
God bless ya and have a super great week my sweet friend!!! :o)
I've never had any of those foods, but they do look and sound terrific. Glad you got the camera! And glad you got out dancing too. The last time I danced was at my nephews wedding...Its cold and windy here...cleaning and sorting out today. Nothing much new at my house for a Monday! Have a great day!
Some, Indian food I like.....only some.
and I have always wanted to take a belly dancing class.
that seems like it would be such fun.
I thought my weekend was good, but alas, there was no belly dancing involved.
CONGRATS on the new camera. The food LOOKS delicious. I LOVE halavah. Glad you had a wonderful time. My husband was a ballroom dancer in his youth, so we always went dancing. Because of my mobility issues can't do it anymore. so sad. Take care.
Sounds like a fun, fun evening! I love Dolmas! Can't get them anywhere near here.
Belly dancing would seem like great exercise. We don't have anything like that here either. I live a sheltered life, LOL!!!
Love Di ♥
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