I wanna week at a lakeside cabin in the woods
...where I'd wake every morning to bird song and the sound of the water rippling on the shore and most days would be warm and full of sunshine and sweet breezes...

...... where I'd eat beans on cheese toast (sometimes with a fried egg on top) or homemade lentil soup that had simmered on the back of the woodstove while I walked ... and all 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies that I baked before I left home (and I wouldn't ever wonder if there'd be any left in the jar whenever I felt like eating one)...
... where I'd have limited cell phone reception and only get text

... where on the one day when it rained, I'd sit and knit for a while ... or put together that pretty jigsaw puzzle of the seashells ... and toast grilled cheese sandwiches and drink sweet cider ... and CBC Radio 2 would be softly playing in the background as I listened to the drip, drip, drip of the rain off the edge of the veranda ...
... there'd be lots of opportunities for long bubble baths with large fluffy towels warmed by the fire and glasses of chablis and even a place for my paperback ...

... and when I returned home, the house would be clean! and there'd be milk in the fridge and a still warm loaf of fresh bread on the cooling rack and everyone would be happy to see me and there'd be hugs and kisses and "How was your vacation?" and "What did you do?" and "Did you miss us?"

... "because we sure missed you!"
(But no one would ask me to drive them anywhere or find their other sock or lend them 20 bucks!)
It's just a dream of mine!
Gotta love a Dreamer!
Me TOO. You're singing my song. (Except for the beans. I hate them) LOL It has been my life's dream to own a cabin in the woods or a cottage by a lake. Sadly, I fear this will never happen. But DREAMING makes it possible. I hope yours come true.
What a wonderful time you have had if only in your mind.
Your dreams remind me of my beach days. Whenever things are getting me down I take a trip to the beach in my mind...cabins in the woods are nice too! Hope your Friday is a fantastic one!
We share the same dream.... ;P
I bet your dream is shared with quite a few of us! Count me in. Ah, well....dream, dream, dream.
That sounds so lovely!
Including the milk in the fridge when you get home. That's one of my biggests issues if I go somewhere ; )
Oh darlin' it sounds most heavenly...dream on sister 'cause I'm sure enjoyin' it!!!
We're so stinkin' busy 'round here I don't know which end is up! Heeehehehe!
My flowers...hon, I've got a full acre of flower gardens. Thirty eight rose bushes in my rose garden. I'd love to be able to cover it all but I'd have to hit an orphanage to do it! :o)
God bless ya and keep on dreamin' sweetie!!!
"A dream is a wish your heart makes..." I sure wish yours comes true for you.
Wel, I've the rain dipping off the edge of the verandah roof.
When you find this place can we all come stay (if we promise to bring choccys and wine)
You have a rich fantasy life, I see. I hope you're able to realize some bits and pieces of your dream.
And what a lovely Dream it is!
I'll be you are dreaming the dream of 85% of the people reading your post.
Mmmm . . . lotsa cookies? I'm in.
Oh what a wonderful dream, especially the part about returning home to a clean house. That's actually sad that that's what would thrill me so.
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