Oh my goodness; look at the date! It's the end of May already.
I'd like to take this time to say "Thank you May."
Thank you for bringing my baby home from school (and totally messing up my downstairs room and clogging up my refrigerator and filling most of my evenings with extra kisses and hugs).

Thanks for the best Mother's Day ever with the best kids ever -- their love and thoughtfulness (and the awesome chocolates they gave me!).
Thank you for all the wonderful yard sales this month. Thanks for the pulled pork sandwich and the several sausages-in-a-bun and the carrot cake. (Oh yeah! And a big thanks for that free rhubarb cheesecake square. That was REAL good!)
I didn't appreciate that cold you gave me last week; but I am grateful that it's didn't hang on too long.
Thank you for the fine-weather weekends you gave me: I got all the gardening done, and I was even was able to finally move that Holly bush. Phew! That was a tough 'un! And every time I worked in the garden, I took the time to sit and enjoy that sun you sent. Thanks.
But May, your time has come and gone. And now it's time to welcome a new month:

As much as I appreciated you, I'm ready for June.
'Cause ya know, the gardenings done ..... and there's probably some more good weather in the forecast ..... and I've a stack of good books and a lounge chair with a comfy cushion and some gin and tonic in the cupboard.
So, thank you, thank you, thank you May
But ............. goodbye May.
Don't slam the door on your way out!
Goodbye May, see you next year, now that made me smile. And hello June.
I was so busy, I did not notice that it came and went. Gee, sorry I missed it.
I hate to see May end. It's my birthday month. LOL I'm a Gemini through and through. Optimistic about June. Had to chuckle over the GIN & TONICS waiting for you. Hope it's a GREAT month for all of us. Take care.
May has been wonderful for me too. You really had some nice things to be thankful for. Hope you have a lovely June too!
This post practically echoed my thoughts Sandy! I just hope that June doesn't get too hot too soon!
Love Di ♥
Sweet post!!!!!
How lovely to take the time to thank a month, for its gifts, as the calender is turning. And to welcome the new month. Seems like good karma to me! :-)
"To read a writer
is for me
not merely to get an idea of what he says,
but to go off with him
and travel in his company."
~~Andre Gide
This is my very favorite time of the year. I love sunshine coming through my windows or onto my porch. Loved this post!
You have your gardens completely in?! I wish I could say that. But June does hold promise...
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