Well, I was going to wait until I'd planted everything and could impress you with my beautiful gardens!! But then I realized, she's right! Gardeners love to see what you've bought and know how much you paid for it. So, here goes -- I'll prove to you just what a plant hog I am and how I've absolutely no self-control when you show me a cheap flower!
Now, keep in mind that the plants I'm buying are for my side garden which is in the beginning stages. So, they're going to be small ... and perhaps a little Charlie Brownie-ish! But as a woman ALWAYS in search of the ultimate bargain, I see past the sad, bedraggled look of these little guys and I either remember the seed catalogue picture that I saw during the winter or I picture in my minds eye what the buyer is describing to me. I'm an optimist! Plus, I'm going for variety, economy and a little experimentation!
So here we go. Come see my new babies with me; and although some may look like ugly ducklings, remember the swan at the end of the story.
I went to 2 plant sales in beautiful Mahone Bay -- one put on by the Mahone Bay Garden Club and another as part of a church yard sale. I got there just as they were starting, so I was able to get first pickings! The Garden Club had a great selection at good prices; the church sale was also surprisingly good (and cheaper). On my way back to Bridgewater, I stopped in at the yard sale at Ecole de Riv Sud (the French school) where I got some hum-dinger plants! My last stop was at a church yard sale in Bridgewater; by the time I got there (noon), they were pretty low on plants, and the 2 gentlemen manning the plant tables just wanted to go inside and eat! So, they drastically reduced their price to 25 cents each! How could I not buy lots and lots??
Apologies made for spelling & names of plants as I'm posting off the cuff from memory! (Always a dangerous venture with me.)
4 little hostas - 3 at $1 ea and one for 25 cents.
Lemon Balm, Ajuca, Lamb's Ears, unknown, Hosta, Lungwort & Lamemium at 25 cents ea.

I don't remember the names of most of these other than the fern! But they were all 25 cents ea.

A Spirea $2, Cotoneaster $2, something?? and Snow in Summer 50 cents!

You can see the 50 cent price on these babies, but they were half price! There's a Rudbeckia in the back, and the middle plant in front is a tiny Burning Bush.

Looking for shrubs was the main reason I went out on Saturday. Here is a Beauty Bush ($3), a Hydrangea ($4), another Rudbeckia off the side ($1) and a Dwarf Spirea ($5). Behind the Beauty Bush is a Boxwood that I bought at a local grocery store for $10.

And here are my hum-dingers! A Chinese Lantern Plant (potted in a pot that I found on the side of the road during clean-up week) and a Forsithia Bush; I paid a total of $5 for both of these!

I did get my seed Geramiums potted with a little Alyssim (but obviously forgot to clean up the pots before I took the picture). Presentation Sandy! Presentation!
Wow...it looks likes you got some great deals and a whole lot of planting to do! I wanted to do a garden this year, but with not knowing where we'll be in a few months, I was safer with just a couple of potted plants. Your side garden is going to be beautiful!
Wow girl! You've got your work cut out for you. I can't even believe the prices you paid for all those. I will have to go to a plant sale next time I see what advertised.
You really got alot and the prices are beyond belief. We don't have any cheap prices around here like that. Have fun. Years ago when we got our house I did what you are doing. There was nothing planted around the house at all so we did it all -- perienials and bushes and schrubs, herbs and hostas . It was fun and now everything just comes back year after year and all we have to do is trim and weed. 'On Ya'-ma
I am green, green, green with envy. How would you like to be my personal plant shopper next year?
Doris, I have to say you DID GOOD!
Small but that's the fun part..watching them grow! Wished I could've sent some of my seedlings to you..I've been pulling out baby burning bushes, a ton of lamium and even chinese lantern...sadly now in the compost bin! Have fun getting them all planted :)
great bargains! i wish i had a yard, but alas, i have none at my condo. i did get some basil and rosemary.
I really like that chinese lantern plant! I haven't seen that one around here.
Hi, I found you through the artfulpenpals site. I joined too. Wow, you really found some bargains.
I've NEVER seen prices like those at local plant sales. You were blessed indeed! You need to come over to my garden blog (not the "life and godliness" one) and identify the 4th picture - under the 3 hosta ones posted June 4...
I finally got my tomatoes on Friday. Yay!
I miss the times in Antigonish going to the flea market on Sundays and buying plants cheap.
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