And just behind the iris' is my Meadow Rue; I love it's delicate blooms.

Last night, I just couldn't take it anymore! After weeks of working Mon to Fri 9-5; followed by weekends of gardening and yard sales (and loving every minute of it); I HAD to do something about the state of my house. So, I did a large scale tidy -- gardening tools back out to the shed; newspapers downstairs (ready to be used as a weed barrier this weekend when I finish the gravel path); clothes needing to be ironed upstairs to the spare room (along with the ironing board & iron). Vacuum, sweep, fluff, spit! How wonderful to be able to eat a meal off the dining room table again!
My 19 yr old came over and helped me put out some of my gardening do-dads and solar lights. And as we were placing my dragonfly lights around the planter, look what we discovered clinging to the side of the upper stair rail:

This photo is sideways to show his length and the intricate detail in his wings.

This photo was taken from the deck landing at the top of the stairs looking down at him.
He was still there after dark last night; but in my hurry to get everyone to school and work, I didn't look this morning. Isn't he beautiful! I don't know if it's usual for dragonflys to hang around that long. So, I sure hope he isn't hurt and that he's alive and well and just resting!
CATCH THAT DRAGONFLY! My kid needs it for a bug project!!!!!
I'm surprised that it took 3 years for your iris to bloom. It was worth the wait, huh?
Those flowers are especially beautiful, knowing how long it took them to bloom. Everything in it's own time I guess!
Wanna come over and help me straighten up my house? LOL...Lord knows how badly I need to do it!
That dragon fly is simply stunning. I love the patterns of color and look how gossamer those wings are! Very pretty!
I'm a great fan of solar energy. Good for you having solar lights in the garden.
Hi there...good to see your from Canada!! Saw your note over at Kathleens and thought I would stop by!! Great blog!! All the best,Chrissy
The picture of the dragonfly is amazing. I've never seen one just sit around like that. When I've seen them they've been swooping through the air. My poor house needs that major tydy up for sure. Since camping season began I'm fortunate to get only the necessary things done. DS#6 and his wife will be coming in to spend the night this weekend and I afraid they'll just have to put up with the mess. No time to do it. I will get fresh linens on the spare bed but that's about it.
I love this time of year when everything starts blooming. We had Iris blooms a few weeks ago so and I love them too.
'On Ya'-ma
I think this is a huge dragonfly! I dont think i've ever seen one this big here in Kuwait!!
You have a great garden by the way!
thanks for stopping by my blog :)
I am a big fan of dragonflies. Beautiful ancient creature.
your garden is outstanding!
Looks like a nice place to hang out.
incredible dragonfly photographs!
nice going!
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