Here's one of my planters that I prepared Sunday afternoon. Pretty!
Thank you to everyone who commented on my last post. When I was composing it and I saw just how many plants I had there, I thought to myself - "Egad woman! You've really bitten off more than you could chew!!". I began to wonder if I had enough oomph left in me to create the spaces to plant all that stuff.
But then, I had a "terrible, awful, no good, very bad" day yesterday at work. I came home all grumpy and angry. So, what did I do? I changed into my extremely unattractive gardening clothes, put my 35 yr old orange kerchief around my hair, sprayed myself with highly toxic bugspray, and went directly to the garden to began to prepare the new bed. I tell you - there's nothing like adrenaline that comes from being pee-ooed to get you working hard!
My side garden is really like a woodland forest: it has lots of shade and there are tree roots everywhere. So, it's quite a challenge to decide the best place for the garden and where the paths will run, etc. I went around in circles for a little while, trudging about the yard carrying large stones, quieting ranting at God about this being unfair and that not being nice! He let me get it all out; then once my mouth stopped, my brain began to work. And I came up with what I think is a good solution.

This is the bed I put in last week. (Fortunately, the ferns were there when I began, so I built around them.) The small pile of rock on the right side of the picture is where I began to work to enlarge that bed; there's a slight rise behind it that I'm taking advantage of for a rock garden. I found enough stone to use and then worked with the pickaxe to loosen the soil and dig out a few of the many, many rocks. This weekend I'll add my topsoil and peat moss and began planting. I'll still have to finish the gravel path; and there is some weeding to do and a few other plants to add here and there.
But I'm beginning to believe that June may bring an end to "Garden Plan 2009" people! Phase 1 is nearing completion; and joyfully, I can see fulfillment of my dream of spending the summer in a garden chair with a gin and tonic! New hope is springing from my breast!! (And the last thing I need is larger breasts!)
Stay tuned! I'm hoping to have lots of beautiful pictures for you next week.
Glad you got so much done and got all that bad stuff out of your system too. Working outside is one of best things I know of. How can you be mad when it is so beautiful out. That's the way I feel anyway. I'll be looking for those pictures. Have a great weekend.
Good work, new friend! And I know identify with your statement about not need larger breasts!
Plants that need lots of shade are some of my favorite kinds, so I look forward to more photos of your woodland garden.
You are working way too hard - but your garden is looking lovely! I'd like to stop over for that gin and tonic! Warm wishes, Esther
hi Sandy , you have a lovely blog , i like gardening as well , but my dogs seens to love the plants a litle bit more than they should. i never have a perfect garden in my house. but what to do? we are all childs of God . right ?
Your flower bed is going to look gorgeous when you get it all done and I love that planter. your comment on my blog was funny ---when you said "beauty" I had forgot to add that cute little Canadianism on my post. I'll be back to visit you when I return my friend.
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