Our skin changes as we age, so a product that worked for us just a few years ago, doesn't work anymore. I'm still looking for a suitable low to moderately priced face moisturizer. I'm currently using "Olay moisture therapy lotion", but it's a little sticky. Still, I hesitate to toss it out when I've paid money for it. Sitting on my dresser is a new one I recently bought -- "Marcelle Essentials multi-defense cream". That one was under $20 for 2 oz.
"AS SOON AS WE GET SOME SUN, PLEASE MR GOD!" I'll probably start using that one because it has a SPF 15 reading.
I love taking the time to moisturize, especially after a bath when I think that my open pours just soak up that lovely lotion! (It could be another illusion successfully sold to me by the cosmetics industry, but please don't burst my bubble! It feels sooo nice!) I always liken it to giving my skin a good, long drink of cool water.
Here are two of my current favorite discoveries.
The first is a line of lotions and gels made in Greece ://www.forkingsandqueens.com/w.forkingsandqueens.com/). I purchased it here at Shopper's Drug Mart for about $20. I choose cinnamon orange because of it's heavenly smell. But I'm so impressed with it that I'm planning on trying whatever else in their line that I can find. It really is absolutely gorgeou

The second is a tinted lip balm from Burt's Bees who sell natural, earth-friendly personal care products. Mine is a lip shimmer (that seems to stain your lips) in a rhurbarb color. It feels nice, it smells nice, and it's doing double duty as a lip protector. A great product for summer.
I've love to hear about some of your favorite products. Let's share our treats!
Hmmm let's see I'm using Alpha Hydrox for day cream and Nivea at night. But what I really want to get but it's a bit spendy is Elizabeth Arden's Ceramide. When ya break open that little capsule and put it on your face it actually tingles and feels like silk! Ya can't beat tingles - LOL. Maybe it's tingling those wrinkles right out of our faces ya think?
I love moisturisers! My mother extolled the benefits when I was a teenager and now, at ...something, my complexion is very good when compared to other women my age. Sounds vain, I know but I don't mean to be! I'm just happy that I listened to Mum!
I used to bake my bod every Summer (in my 30/40s) but always kept my face covered.
My fave at the moment is Nivea Visage Vital Triple Action Soy for day and Nivea Perfect Radiance Intensive Night Care. Both reasonably priced and I like the results. I went on the Nivea site and completed a survey - they sent me a pot with 9 little samples to give away!
I love smelly lotions.
You should really try using Rosehip oil as a moisturizer. It feels like it will be too greasy when you first put it on your face, but your skin soaks it up, and it keeps you so soft and healthy looking.
I swear by it, and so does Amanda, who is in her late 30s. It reduces the visibility of wrinkles as well as moisturizing.
You should be able to purchase it from most drugstores for about fifteen dollars.
Try it!
For years, I had oily skin, but can now moisturize! Yes! I love Neutragena Oil Free for sensitive skin. No grease, but lots of softness is the result. The same kind does come with SPF added, so in the summer, that is what I use.
MMmmmmmm, I love lotions too. finding the perfect face lotion though --at our age ---is tricky. I love the smells, the feel ----it is a little pampering that is worth it eh. Sorry I have not been keeping up on blogs lately, things have been hectic.
I'm going through this stage too. My face has looked horrible lately and that is not usually the case. I can't add to the ideas because I haven't found the right mix yet. ERRrr!
After my evening bath I use coconut oil and olive oil mixed together rubbing it on while I'm still a little damp. For my face I mix jojoba oil, vitamin E, lavendar oil and keep that in a small container and put it on in the morning. My skin stays so soft.
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