This is my daughter Amy's good friend Desi. Desi is an amazing baker (and singer) and she operates a little business out of the back of her station wagon called "The Rolling Scone". She is the one who gives me my fix every Saturday with her wonderful chocolate buttermilk cupcakes with buttercream icing. See that pretty one on the top tier with the edible flower? I ate that one shortly after taking this picture. Yum yum!!

This lady next to her sells the most amazing selection of jams, jellies, chutneys, etc. I've purchased her Apricot with jalepeneo (so good on fresh bread with a slice of aged cheddar); and this weekend, I bought her Rhubarb with ginger (not sampled yet).

Here are a couple of other stalls: the first is a veggie stall and the second seafood.

This lovely lady bakes and sells doggie treats -- every shape and flavor and quirky little names on them (none of which I can remember right now, not having a doggie myself). I've seen the doggies stop for a sample though, and one woman said her dog, who doesn't like any of the commercial dog biscuits, just loves these!

Alas, this is not a candy stall (or I'd certainly have a more indepth report to bring). This is a craft stall with, as you can see, very pretty things.

This stall is run by an Austrian gentleman with one leg; and I don't mean to be disrespectful or in any way to mock this lovely man, but I can help it! Whenever I buy anything from him, all sorts of tragic and adventurous story lines pop up in my head while I'm talking to him -- him on his trusty steed galloping towards me through fields of green (all organic, of course!); me with my bodice heaving carrying a bouquet of wild lavender!!!
Oh dear! Excuse me! It must be the heat!!!
His produce is all organic, and he has a wonderful assortment of herbs and different greens -- both red and white swiss chard, kale, and the usual beet greens. And there in the shallow basket are my his huge, chock-a-block stuffed bags of different lettuce and salad greens, including my favorite, argula.

Here's my other favorite stall, Julian's Bakery. Julian is a French baker with a great selection of breads and pastry. I always try a different bread and at least one pastry (as a chaser to my cupcake)! This weekend, I bought his American sandwich loaf (a traditional white) and an apricot and custard square! Again yum yum!

Here's my other favorite stall, Julian's Bakery. Julian is a French baker with a great selection of breads and pastry. I always try a different bread and at least one pastry (as a chaser to my cupcake)! This weekend, I bought his American sandwich loaf (a traditional white) and an apricot and custard square! Again yum yum!

Here's the jolly Julian himself bagging up my goodies! Now doesn't he look like the type who puts lots of love in his baking? (And enjoys a little of the goods himself!!)
And here's one of his fabulous showy loaves! That would be a wonderful loaf to have on the table when guests arrive.

Here's the lady I've been buying flowers from lately. She has a few new ones each weekend -- whatever is blooming at the time. But I averted my eyes this weekend and simply couldn't buy another (until I at least get the last 3 I purchased in the ground!!!).

And last but not least, this veggie stall is from Indian Garden Farms which is just up the hill outside town. I could go there and buy produce, but how much more fun is it to go to the market.

Here's the lady I've been buying flowers from lately. She has a few new ones each weekend -- whatever is blooming at the time. But I averted my eyes this weekend and simply couldn't buy another (until I at least get the last 3 I purchased in the ground!!!).

And last but not least, this veggie stall is from Indian Garden Farms which is just up the hill outside town. I could go there and buy produce, but how much more fun is it to go to the market.

This is what drew me last Saturday: the first of the season's fresh corn. And it was delicious!

So there you have my little tour. There are a few other stalls that we didn't visit today. But my mouth is watering now, so I think I'll stop for a tea break.
Happy market travels to you all!
I so enjoyed the trip to the market. That bread looked so good. Some places have outdoor markets like that all the time. Here because of the weather we have them usually from July til October. Thanks for the visit!
What a wonderful market you have there. The rolling scone absolutely cracked this gal up. I'm crying... off to get a hankie. Have a super summer day, my roses await.
Rolling Scone, now that is a creative name!
I just love farmer's markets. Everything is so fresh and beautiful!
Well...I just spent quite a bit of money(in my head)on my visit with you to your farmer's market...
I loved the bread designs! I may try to do that!
Hey, I feel like I've been to the market with you. I had to enlarge that first photo to get a good look at your cupcake. ha
A nice selection of goods. That flower shaped bread is almost too pretty to eat, it's a work of art.
I'd love to spend a morning at your market! Thanks for the tour and introductions!
I've not had to go to market yet this summer! The "market" has come to me! Friends have been generous with us --green beans, sweet corn, cukes, zucchini, and yesterday some delicious Transparent apples! I made some applesauce & 2 loaves of apple bread....I DID stop in to local Amish produce stand. They were supposed to get in some Red Haven peaches. He said, "tomorrow...."
What a nice farmer's market, quite the assortment of things for sale. I'm interested to see what the organic produce salesman looks like to create such story lines :)
I'd have a hard time passing the plants by too.
What a fabulous market Doris!! I hope they are still doing it next year when I am home for a few weeks! I just love the name of your daughter's friend's business! How inventive!
I love these Farmer's Markets!! I would love to sink my teeth into the sunflower shaped loaf of bread!!!
What a great market you have! Ours is so small and basic, it's almost depressing to go there.
Love Julian's showy bread. And The Rolling Scone!
Without having any sense of taste, textures in foods are what give me pleasure and that bread looks absolutely YUMMY to me!!!
Fun and so many thing to look at. I have never been to a farmers market but I think I will try and go to one just to see what wonder are out thier.
I enjoy farmer's markets. My city has one every Saturday. Sometimes I'll stop and browse taking a small break from yard sailing.
thank you so much for the tour - even though I live in B'water I have yet to make it to the market (not a morning person) - but I think I may now have to get up next Sat.! Nancy LeB
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