This is the Himilayan Jewel Weed -- And it's beautiful. It's a good 4 1/2 ft tall, and the pink blossoms look a little like a snapdragon. So pretty. I have to keep an eye on this one though because it's apt to take over the garden. But it looks beautiful as a backdrop to my ferns.

Brown-eyed Susans.

Here's my coneflower. I think I'll try to get several varieties for next year.

The Astilbe are beginning to wane. But I love their floaty/frothy look.

And this is my Cardinal Lobelia -- the plant I searched for for the past 2-3 years (and ended up getting 2 of them). Only one bloomed this year, but look how pretty it is.

Your flowers are so pretty!
Everything in your garden looks so lovely and you have quite a variety. It seems our brown eyed susans are taking over and are appearing all over our flower beds. They are bright and colorful though.
Gorgeous! Our 10 day spree of 90-100 degree weather a couple of weeks ago dried out just about everything around here. And I saw on the news we have 4 more days of 90+ coming. Yuck.
My Astilbe has seen it's better days too. The wild Jewel Weed is what I'm more familiar with.
You do have the flower bug too, don't you? They are just beautiful. I love the cone flowers. My garden hosts pink, white and yellow variations of these long lasting blooms scattered throughout my green acre of gardens. Next year I think my sun garden will have the addition of the red variety. Enjoy your gardens, I'm seeing some sure signs of autumn here in the Ozarks. Blessings upon your beautiful day!
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