My Mom and Dad left Tuesday to go back to NL. It was a wonderful visit, and I wish they didn't live so far away. This is probably the last trip they'll make themselves up here; so, I'll just have to go home more often. They're both 78 this fall.
My Mom used to be the type to run around and cook and clean and take care of everything. And when you visit her at home, she stills tries to do all those things that she thinks are necessary (usually exhausting herself in the process so she becomes anxious for you to leave!). But while she was here, I was glad to be able to reciprocate -- I made breakfast every morning and usually lunch, we cooked dinner together (or we went out to eat). Saturday evening, we had their typical meal - barbequed steak with mushrooms and onions, baked potato and sour cream, green salad, garlic bread and red wine! It was absolutely wonderful (no counting calories or cholesterol please). My Dad makes the best barbequed steak in the entire universe! No kidding; they are simply divine!!
Then in the evenings, my Dad would watch TV and my Mom and I (and the girls when they were home) would play many, many games of Skipbo and talk over another glass of wine and some munchies!
My dad is a whirlwind of activity, even now at his age. He cannot be idle and gets bored very easily. So, we'd spend one day on the road - either shopping or driving along the coastline being tourists - and the other day, my daddy DID for me! A man actually asked me what needed to be done!!! It was a first!!! (Boy - I wish he lived closer!)
It was great! He replaced old faucets (and the bathroom sink that we found out was ready to fall apart), installed my cat door downstairs, hung my outdoor thermometer, fixed the fan over my stove, and all sorts of other little chores. My biggest delight was this:

You are very fortunate to have both your parents. Sounds like a great visit!
How blessed you are that your parents can still visit. I miss that. They live in Brownsville, Tx a mere 1145 miles from the Ponderosa. I have to make the trip to see them and it is not easy to get away often. I can tell you cherished your time. Enjoy the day!!
What a sweet post! Dad's should always be super hero to their daughters. How wonderful to still have both your parents and be able to spend time with them. My Mom passed away 2 1/2 years ago and I miss her. My Dad is 87, and still very active.
What a delight to have your parents bless you in this way. I can only imagine the whirlwind of love.
Delighted to meet you.
Blessings from Costa Rica,
Sarah Dawn
What a nice couple they are, your Mom and Dad! May they be blessed with health and happiness!
You're a good daughter to them, and I believe your own daughters will give you the same respect and kindness that you show for your parents.
I love the photo of the three of you...with your dad leaning in...he does look like a sweet man!
You look so much like him! How lovely to be spoilt for a change; my Dad could turn his hand to anything too. I do miss him but my memories are sweet.
Yes, there comes a time when only you can do the visiting.
Hi, I was passing through and your title caught my eye. Your parents sound super, and I'm glad you appreciate them.
Dads are the best!!
Oh yes, we never outgrow the need for our parents :) It sounds like you all had a magical time, and the beadboard looks great!
Your folks sound great! I'm jealous :)
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