Check out this great Rooster Party hosted by Barb at Bella Vista http://barbsgoodlife.blogspot.com/2009/08/show-us-your-rooster-blog-party.html
But first, come meet my friendly little roosters.

I found this beauty about a week before Mother's Day this year at the Salvation Army Thrift Store. He was a whopping $25 because apparently the Chaplain had checked his markings underneath and looked him up online. I hemmed and hawed over buying this little guy; my Mother's Day gift from me to me was already tucked away under my bed. (Hey! I'm a single mom raising 3 girls -- someone's gotta reward me for my effort!!). You know, I even walked out of the store and got into my car before I talked myself out of NOT buying him. I couldn't get him off my mind -- he was just so sweet! I mean, look at his little eyes and his coy smile.

This smart looking little wooden fellow is quite small (about 4" high) and sits atop my spice rack. He's made by an artist in Annapolis County in NS. My older friend Mum Brown has a wonderful collection of these roosters -- brilliant blues, greens, yellows and reds -- all larger than mine and different shapes and poses. They're lined up on top of her white cupboard and look so stunning!

I don't like to think of my roosters as a collection. They're more like little friends who speak to me and ask me to take them home .... like little children or friends!
I just wish they'd do the dishes every now and then!!
What a lovely collection of Roosters...nice to visit with you today!☺
I love that each of your roosters came into your home on purpose.
What a fun post.
Happy Rooster Party.
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Fun! I like to name most of my things, and become rather attached! Thanks for sharing your flock.
Mary Lou
Now I wish I was at home. I have a lot I mean tons of rooster stuff. I've done my kitchen that way and the roosters rule there for sure. I will have to post some pictures of them next week sometime. It won't be in time for the Rooster Party but I'll share them any way. They are such a colorful, cheerful way to decorate. I enjoyed seeing yours. I don't think any of mine are like yours.
Great collection! Happy Rooster Day!
Hi Sandy, I love them all but the sugar and creamer set are especially adorable...so very sweet.
Thank you for sharing with us and being a special part of this day.
Barb :-)
these are all beautiful...I love the history behind each one..makes them more special..thx for sharing
I love roosters, too! My son wants mine, so I know they will be passed on. (The ones he wants were my grandma's.) You have some beauties. Thanks for sharing.
Cheryl in IN
Nice roosters! I love that pitcher.
Love all your roosters Doris! I collect Roosters too, and yours are just lovely!
Gee whiz, I'm feelin' a little disgracefully guilty here. Great collection you have there. Surely I had a rooster SOMEWHERE,on a pillow, dishtowel a trinket. I confess I have NO I repeat not one rooster in my French country home. Am I blushing??? Totally embarrassed. Now if someone would host a Bear Party or a Bunny Party this chick is good to go. You lovelies have a blast today.
JUst loved each and everyone, I love to find great bargains, thank you for sharing.
Your roosters are adorable! I'm visiting from Barb's.
Happy rooster party!
Oh, I love the comment, 'I don't like to look at my roosters as a collection.' Me too. My grandmothers rooster means everything, the others were just gathered, as they called out to me, why I don't have a lot of them. I LOVE the glass rooster. I am so glad you have him. I love that you live where I believe my ancestors came from. I would love to see that area sometime. Blessings, Janet
Every one of your roosters are simply adorable. I love the s&p shakers but the one that grabbed my heart was the sweet one from your daughter. Loved that. Have a great weekend.
Good Morning Sandy! LOVED your post, and all your roosters! I love reading all the happy stories and memories that come along with them! Have fun today, and have a wonderful weekend! ~tina
Fun collection, Sandy! You can never have 'nuff of these cute chatchkies. I used to collect the cow and pig theme ;)
All your rooster friends are fun, but the little yellow pitcher stole my heart. He is the cutest little guy!
I loved seeing all your roosters. Thanks for sharing.
Hope to see you at Hyacinth for more rooster fun!
Great roosters you have! I absolutely adore the last yellow one. I will be on the lookout for something like that.Have a blessed weekend!
I am having a rooster giveaway at http://fairytalescottage.blogspot.com/2009/08/rooster-party-giveawayrooster-party.html
Hope you can stop by~Hugs, Cindy
Your "friends" are fabulous! That glass guy especially, even if he is full of himself! Wink, wink
I have to say that the title of your blog is just the best! Widh I'd thought of it first...LOL!
What lovely Roosters. Thanks for sharing.
Irma :)
I love 'em all! But that yellow rooster pitcher is just so charming. Happy Friday!
Nice collection of roosters. Love the little pitcher. Debbie
I love your collection and the way you have anthropomorphized them. Perhaps I made that word up because Mr. Spellchecker doesn't like it!
fantastic collection love the glass one
I love the name of your blog!
My screen saver scrolls, "Since I am unable to be a good example, I'll just have to serve as a horrible warning!"
Oooh...you have a nice collection! I especially like the yellow pitcher!
Hi such a lovely collection, this is so much fun, and thanks for sharing with us all.
Hugs Barbara from http://bakinnbitsbarbara.blogspot.com/
What a lovely post. I like the story behind each one.
Your blog name is priceless-I can relate-lol.
Hello Sandi,
I just love Sunny! I loved reading all the stories and memories that came with each of your rooster friends! I too think of my roosters as friends, especially my first one.
~ Tracy
Oh you have such a nice collection of "friends"! I especially love Sunny!
Elaine :)
Neat Neat roosters------------it is fun to have a "collection"
The polka dot S & P is my favorite. You've got great kids there....
What a cute little pitcher, and how special that your daughter bought it for you. :)
Thanks for sharing your friends with us. I especailly love Sunny he is the same color as my living room walls. Would he like to come visit do you think?
What a nice collection, I think my favorite is the glass one!
I love your blog title too LOL!
What interesting, different Roosters! I love them..most especially the yellow one...It's wonderful..
Is it from the 50's?
I am a day late but trying to catch up.. :)
Nice collection...and don't you just love places like Value Village!I love finding little treasures in the most obscure places!:)
great collection!!! hope you had a great week!
You've got some fine looking roosters and really enjoyed your music.
I Love your Roosters... Sunny is wonderful!!I am having a give away Please try to stop by...
I think you have a great collection of roosters with a wonderful story connected to each one. My favorite is the yellow pitcher one that you bring out in the spring. That is really pretty.
I love your collection! I have a very modest collection of chickens...only 3, plus an egg. Love your salt & pepper shakers..so cute!
Wonderful party and what a great collection of roosters!
Your little roosters are fabulous. I love the little guys with polka dots!! Fun!
Sweet Mother's Day story. They are the best, aren't they?
Sorry I am so late. Still visiting!! lol!!
Cute roosters...the absolute cutest...are the polka dot little ones! ...and love the glass one! And love the little yella fella that started it all!
Blessings & Aloha!
I dont think I'll make it to all the parties! I tried to start from the bottom and then some in the middle and now some from the top! I'm so glad I made it to yours!
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