I'm longing for:
- Sunny days; rain, rain, go away!
- Dirt under my fingernails, a slight back ache and piles of weeds at my feet.
- Less busy-ness!
- No one calling me "Mom" for 2 weeks!!!!! (Except for this coming Sunday, of course.)
- The ability to walk in the back of the basement and find things when I need them.
- The loss of 10 (or dare I say it?) 20 pounds.
- A perfect pair of yellow shoes. Ðαωᾔ at Creative Cain Cabin has a pair .... but she won't give them to me! (And I still like her; 'cause that's the kind of magnamious, forgiving, Christian woman I am.) Sigh ... The search continues.
These are cute & look comfy and my feet would enjoy them!...These are ULTRA gorgeous!!! and my eyes would really enjoy them! and they're what I'd wear if I had my youthful feet again. I'm looking for cute and comfy. Sigh...
- A pair of classic navy blue dress pants, preferably thrifted and around the $5-$6 mark. They're so elusive, I couldn't even find an image on Google! The search continues.
- Summer evenings in a lawn chair with family and an open fire.
(Disclaimer: These are not my feet because I adamantly refuse to wear Smurf-footed crocs! I have some standards, however few ... and however low!)
It's Friday soon.
And the sun is supposed to shine!
Time to stop sighing and go to bed. Goodnight!
I've had the JOY of my first campfire of the season now and although we too have had many rainy days, there have been just enough wonderful ones to keep me happy. I love those comfy crocs and wear them often. i don't have any yellow ones, but truly just about every other color. Blue, pink, green, red, black and tan. Happy Friday!
Can you send some rain to Texas please!? We haven't had any in awhile and my newly planted flowers would really appreciate it. Thank you!
That was a good read. Thank you for sharing. I read every word :)
Yeah I don't think I could bring myself to wear crocs either. However, I did buy my two year old a pair and he absolutely HATES them. HA! Maybe it's the look?!
Well, I for one would like to see you in those strappy high heels!!!!!
I hope you find your warmth soon. When you do, send it my way!
Hope you have a fabulous Mothers Day!
HUGS my friend.
Hope the sun is shinning where you are today. It's shinning here because your post was a day brightener - except that photo of the muffin top fat pinch - where did you get that pic of me doing that?
ps - love the yellow shoes... crocs? No Thanks.
Here's wishin' all your dreams come true and ya feel the warm rays of sunshine shinnin' on those new yellow shoes and navy britches!!!
God bless ya girl and have a marvelous Mother's Day weekend!!! :o)
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