We drove about 2 km down a forest road and came out into this setting. Everywhere you looked were beautiful Christmas trees.

This was the tree I would have liked to pick .............. but I need a much larger room with much larger ceilings!

My beautiful Nadine and Adriana. (Nadine is holding the tree measuring stick.)

Did you know that when you choose a living tree, standing outside in God's great gift of nature, filled with good fresh air and the happiness and joy of this wonderful season ..... did you know that living trees look deceivingly smaller than they actually are? And that measuring sticks don't work that well when you can't get them right in next to the tree and have to hold them sort-of on an angle? And perhaps even you feel a little larger yourself when your surrounded by such beauty!
Being somewhat of a "full-bodied" woman (well, without the height), I like full-bodied trees! I've always choosen this type of tree. But this year, I outdid myself! Even with a good portion cut off the trunk; even with a few extra boughs trimmed off the bottom; why, even with the top lopped off -- she was a doosie!
Look at her in her great green glory! And look out when those boughs relax. But what a lovely girl she will be to adorn!
Besides, who needs a lot of space in the living room at Christmas! There's a couch for sitting or laying on to gaze lovingly at the tree (and not the TV which could well be hidden by said relaxed boughs!) And there's a coffee table to place your chocolates and glass of wine on (while gazing lovingly at the tree). You can still get to the surround-sound so you can play a Xmas CD, and your favorite nativity scene is right next to you. And you certainly don't need a lot of space to be mindful of God and the Babe in the manger. The room will be expansive with that!
Why, even the smell is heavenly!!!
(Pictures later)
I cannot wait until you jazz her all up!! Great tree!!!
Beautiful - I think you picked the best one!
Love to you during this CHRISTmas season!
Sounds like you have it all set up. I am trying to look for a big fat tree too. Unfortunately, living in Alaska for a few years before we moved here to Minnesota where they have those "cut your own tree down lots", we find out we are still city folks at heart. We'll take the fat tree that Johnny has already cut down and put a stand on = )
Looks like so much fun to get out and choose a live tree... and loved the pictures!!! We haven't had a live tree in many years but I always enjoy the memories of the ones I had as a child. I grew up in Minnesota where pine trees were abundant on my grandfather's land.
God Bless You!!
Lisa in Kentucky
Hi Sandy! It was fun tree shopping with you...lol! The girls' smiles says it all! Now your home will have that wonderful scent and the fun begins with the decorating...enjoy!
Beautiful tree girlfriend! I'm only a little over a week late gettin' started with the whole Christmas push so I've got to kick it in overdrive when my feet hit the Ponderosa again. I can tell the girls are havin' a blast at your Christmas abode.
Have a great day and may God bless it richly!!!
Gorgeous trees; I'm prone to getting "full-figured" trees, too!I've never actually been to a tree farm, but you make it sound so enticing. The tree measuring stick is a GREAT idea.
Hurry up and get it decorated so we can all see how it turned out!
Great tree! I cant wait to see it decorated!
That is one beautiful tree! I can't wait to go pick mine! :)
You picked a beautiful! full figured tree
can't wait to see it decorated
Lovely tree! We haven't had a live tree for a few years, but since we have about 30 acres of forest, we used to go out with our children to cut the tree. They were never trimmed to make them grow symmetrically, and it was fun to take the time to find the best one. I'll enjoy your poat-decoration day post!
That tree is beautiful. I love the smell of a real tree but I always put up a fake tree.
Looking forward to seeing your finished tree.
That is a beautiful tree. There is nothing to beat the smell of a pine tree.
It will be fun to see how you deck the halls.
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