So, being the brave, bold, nerve-of-a-tooth sort of gal I am, I walked in and asked if I could buy one. The owner thought about it for a moment, set a price ($22.99), and I walked out of the store with my purchase.
So, here are are few more of my lovely ornaments - vintage and new!

What a nice idea! It looks so very festive with your Christmas bulbs hanging there. You'll have to keep your eyes out at some craft shows for other things to hang. I know I used to collect hearts and would always find some unusual ones...that would be great for valentines day.
Ya could use it to dry those dreaded pantyhose on. Heeeheehee!!!
You have yourself a terrific day sweet lady!!!
You can use them for seasonal reminders. if you were creative enough to decorate it, I'm sure during other special days and events, you can come up with some things.
Very pretty!
Very nice.Your house is full of special decorations.Kisses
That's darling! Enjoy it all year. It's OK to leave some part of Christmas up isn't it?
I also forgot to say thank you for your prayers and kind words. your decorations are as bright and cheery as your spirit.
I love your blog. I love all of your ornaments too. My brother served a church mission in Nova Scotia many years ago. He still has his muckalucks!
You have some nice ornaments here...drying herbs, or flowers...dried peppers would be pretty too..
Gorgeous. How about hanging some jars with wire and tea lights and sprinkle some old chandelier crystals here and there too. Or use it for hanging your jewelry. I admire the fact that you went right in and purchased a display piece. Out of the box thinking. Go girl!
Love your idea and how beautiful it looks. Gorgeous ornaments.
At the beginning of the year hang hearts or something with birthday names and dates - as the birthday passes take down that persons thingy.
Very good idea - love it.. I going to copy you..if that's okay..
Love to you
Loved all the ornaments... very vintage and lovely! That last one was very unusual...
Lisa in Kentucky
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