1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? I like them both; but if we're talking Christmas (which is the only time egg nog is available), I'll pick egg nog with a couple of ice cubes, a little whipped cream, grated dark chocolate and a dash of nutmeg.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? In this house, "Sandra" Claus has been doing the gifts for a lot of years. And yes, she wraps them or more likely puts them in gift bags (which get used over and over and over again each year). Also, the girls have colored coordinated gift wrapping so that it's easy for me to tell at a glance who should have which gift.
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? White lights on the tree and colored lights outside. But I usually buy my lights from thrift stores; so that could all change!
*4. Do you hang mistletoe? No. I've no man to kiss me and the girls don't need mistletoe to lay one on me!
5. When do you put your decorations up? Oh gosh! As soon as possible after Nov 11th! I love Christmas and like to enjoy it as long as possible. And they go up gradually (because I have so many).
*6. What is your favorite Christmas dish? The turkey -- the lovely dinner and the 4-5 days of turkey & cranberry sauce sandwiches! Love it!!
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Our Christmas day meals -- A late lunch roast turkey meal with my paternal grandparents who lived next door; then later that day, we'd go to my maternal grandparents and would have cold salads and ham.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? When I was about 9 years old. My brother and I were in the basement playing (and in those days, it was just a big concrete space full of junk); I'd eaten something and wanted to throw away the wrapper? apple core? There were big paper grocery aka garbage bags in the corner; and when I went over to toss it in, the bag was full of toys!! My Mom was so angry with me because my little brother was only 5 years old! Not my fault Mom! (She learned to hide the gifts just slightly better after that.)
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? It was a tradition in my Ex's home, not in mine. So, we compromised and allowed the girls to open gifts from relatives on Christmas Eve; which left family gifts for Xmas morning. There are fewer gifts these days, so we've adapted that somewhat.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? My tree is decorated (as I mentioned in an earlier post) with vintage & new ornaments as well as ornaments that hold special memories. And I have bead garlands, Victorian silver hook-shaped "tinsel" and glittery gold curly stems.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? I used to hate it! But now that I'm aging, I've opened myself up to enjoy it. And I will! It very pretty; and I enjoy getting out and shovelling (but my back doesn't). I dress really warmly and even go for walks in it (repeating these mantras ..... "Isn't the snow beautiful!" "Feel that lovely cold crisp air!" "The seasonal changes are a blessing!" "I'm exercising!!" "Hot chocolate later" "Thank you God for central heating") *
12. Can you ice skate? Yes, extremely poorly. I can barely stand up, I can move in a forward position, and I can stop if I skate up to something or someone and
whomp! into it/them. It's part of the "Being a Canadian kid" rule book!
Thou shalt learn to skate and do it at least once a year! *
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I got lots of great things as a child that I remember. (I also loved my brothers' gifts - train and race car sets!) But my very favorite gift was one I got 2 years ago. It was my 1st year in the new house. My kitchen is tiny (my whole house is small), so I make the best use of every available space. I had a narrow wall next to the powder room door; and I mentioned to my boss and good friend, Brady, that it would be a perfect space for a spice rack. Unbeknownst to me, Brady (who is also my electrician and had been working in the house) used his key and came by one day when the house was empty and measured that space. He arrived Christmas day with a large heavy package wrapped in the funny papers; and inside was a beautiful spice rack! It was such a wonderful surprise and such a thoughtful gift. He came back just before New Year's eve with another matching one for the side of my built-in bookshelf. (And now he tries to outdo himself each Xmas. What a fortunate gal I am!)
14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family is the most important thing. I love Jesus and I realize that He's the reason we celebrate. And I try to honor Him on a daily basis as well as honoring Him at Christmas. But I do take part in the commercialization of Xmas and all the fru-faral of decorations, food, etc. So, for me, Xmas is about hunkering down with family, spending more time together than we'd normally do and loving each other a whole lot.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Again, that's a tough one. I guess it would be my homemade orange gingerbread men (with a little icing glaze)! No, no, it's the apricot and walnut rugelach with their tender cream cheese dough! Ahhh, but I love my dark fruitcake! And those yummy, yummy dark choco-chip shortbreads. Yes, I do love holiday desserts.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Christmas morning - We start with a beautifully dressed and decorated table and a breakfast of special fruit salad, homemade Swedish crescent rolls, fresh orange juice, apple-glazed sausages and wonderful dark roast coffee. The atmosphere is warm and happy and peaceful. Then we open our gifts together, taking turns so we can appreciate both the gift and the expression of the recipient! And my girls have always been wonderfully patient through the whole process, even as little children.
17. What tops your tree? A mirrored glass star.
18. Which do you prefer - Giving or Receiving? Giving definately! My shopping throughout the year started because I would see something that was just right for "so and so", either because I remembered them mentioning it or because I knew them so well, that I knew it would be perfect. (Why I like giving so much that I also give to myself! After all, I've no hubby! And I'm a good Sandra Claus through the year; so I deserve those lovely "oh so perfect" gifts!)
19. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum? Not for me, thank you. Unless I use one to stir my hot chocolate a little bit; then it's acceptable.
20 Favorite Christmas Show? Easy one -- It's a Wonderful Life. But that's very, very closely followed by the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol! (I try to watch them both on Xmas Eve.) And of course, I try to take them all in -- Home Alone, Charlie Brown Christmas, White Christmas, The Santa Claus, even the awful and/or corny ones!
21. Saddest Christmas Song? I'll Be Home for Christmas.... 'cause my Amy won't be home for the 2nd year in a row :(
22. What is your favorite Christmas Song? What Child is This. But I love all the old favorites; and I'm singing in a chorale group this year, so I've discovered so many other beautiful Christmas songs
Please do this Meme yourself; I'd love to hear about you!
That was fun to read. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit better.
I have to agree about the candy canes.....yuk/yum.
Nov 11....really.....You are my hero.
I like it that you are enjoying the snow and cold weather...I am older and still cannot do that one. I am always thankful for each day but just can not like winter very much at all.
I love the Christmas meme. You are full of the Spirit of Christmas it shows in every word you wrote today!
What a great way to start my day! I'll have hot cocoa please! I do mistletoe but my daughter would scare my sons friends away who were three years older by announcing, "Oh Matt (or whoever).....here I am under the mistletoe. Heeeheeehe! I think of that every time I hang it in the doorway! Come to think of it one friends never came back...ya think?
Have a beautiful day~~~~beautiful lady!!!
You have leftover turkey?? I will know what that feels like next year for the holidays - maybe. I have teenage boys.
I love that you answered family as the most important thing.
I say carry around mistletoe in case you find a guy worth planting one on.
I wish I had your friend Brady to do up some spice racks. How absolutely wonderful you must feel to have that dear friend in your life.
Also, thank you for your kind words and prayers. At this time of the year, I have to remember to believe.
I always enjoy learning how other people live, and I loved learning how you celebrate Christmas! We have alot in common! This was really fun, and I think I'm going to jump in and do this meme too!
Merry Christmas!
Loved learning a bit more about you. Thanks for sharing and also thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a Merry Christmas.
Thoroughly enjoyed the visit with you ... always fun to learn a little more of our friends. Wonderful fun write.
Merry Christmas, TTFN ~ Marydon
new blog ~ blushingrosetoo.blogspot.com
This is a fun little list of Q & A, and now I know a bit more about you.
Great meme! I thorougly enjoyed getting to know you better!! xxoo
I love your meme. You learn lots about someone this way. I liked getting to know you.
Hugs, Jeanne
What fun! I'd love to do this, too, but this is such a busy week; I may have to pass. Or maybe do it after Christmas..what the heck - we'll still be in the spirit, right?
I feel for you; neither of my children will be home for Christmas this year. They'll be spending the day with the new in-laws, and we'll have dinner at my Mother's house - The House Without a Christmas Tree, because my Father is the Original Grinch. But we'll have a proper Christmas when the kids come home on Sunday.
I liked reading this - I especially like the mantras you use in #11. I'm going to have to start practicing those!
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