Adriana was enthralled by the snow -- her first!! By 4 pm, the sun had come out and things were beginning to melt; just before we got in the car to pick up my youngest from work, we stopped to make a snowman.

And, of course, between waking and Mr Snowman, there was the decorating. I donned my Xmas bulb necklace and earrings, and we listened to Nadine's selection of German Xmas music while we worked.

Because of my "miscalculation" in tree height, the star had to be tied to the top!! But it's a beautiful tree. (You know -- it's always a beautiful tree.)

I don't use traditional garland; my garland consists of 2 strings of small beaded flowers and 1 string of small round mirrors. And I don't use tinsel; I have Victorian tin "tinsel" pieces which are individual pieces of candycane-shaped twisted tin each about 3-4" long. I also use long gold glittery stems with curly ends which get inserted in through the branches so that only the sparkly curls show. I'm not sure if these will show in the pictures; but they're lovely with the fairy lights glinting off them.
Ever since I was a young woman in my mid-twenties, I've liked to bring home a Xmas ornament from places that I've visited. There's such pleasure in the memories when I unwap them and put them on the tree. Let me introduce you to some of these pieces.
These little bells came from St Goar in Germany (my European trip in 1979); I have memories of a cruise down the Rhine and sleeping next door to a haunted castle.

And later that same year, I got to see the stage performance of "Cats", another dream of mine. They didn't have ornaments, but a key chain works just as well!
This is one of my vintage ornaments on the left; and on the right is a little wooden bird. I bought this one from the most precious little-old man who had a stall set up outside a mall in the city (somewhere around 1980).
This angel was made by a lady in Digby County. The angel's dress and tam are made of Newfoundland tartan, so it's an homage to my beautiful home province.
And when I was visiting Newfoundland 2 years ago, I picked up this "mummer" ornament. If you don't know what mummering is, look it up on Google. Some Newfies still take part in this ancient rite, and I can certainly remember receiving mummers into the house over the holidays when I was a child.
This is another Jim Shore ornament, and this one commerates our first Xmas in our new home.

The ornament on the left was painted by a local artist; the other three are vintage. And here you can see my little mirrored garland and the glittery curly stems.
These 2 little peasants came from Austria (my European trip in 1979). Memories of the beautiful Austrian Alps and eating Sacher Torte.
This precious little vintage teddy bear ornament was a recent find -- still in it's original packaging, probably early 1960's; I paid 50 cents for it!
The porcelain star is one of 3 that my Ex and I bought together at a craft fair in the early 80's. The beautiful vintage ornament on the right was a Xmas gift to my daughter Amy from a friend when they were both pre-teens. She graciously allows me to display it every year (as long as I carefully wipe the drool off of it afterwards!)
This skating Snoopy was part of my first Xmas gift from my Ex after we were married. (Snoopy was one of his pet names for me!) I love Snoopy's paper clip skates!

The ornament on the left was painted by a local artist; the other three are vintage. And here you can see my little mirrored garland and the glittery curly stems.

I love your vintage collection. It is wonderful that there are stories in nearly every ornament.
What a fun trip to be able to go through all of your decorations and what they mean!
Beautiful tree and I love it.
Looks like you had lots of fun.
The holidays are a great way to reminisce and thank you for sharing the "history" of times in your life. I really like that fortress for some reason.
Your tree is beautiful and just full of lovely memories.
What a wonderful Sunday!! Your tree is beautiful.
Sounds like you are having a lovely time decorating and readying for Christmas! I have my favorite ornaments as well, but the one I like on your tree is the little Snoopy with paper clip ice skates!! Love it!
Enjoy your snow!! :-)
Your tree is beautiful and full of interesting stories and memories.Nice photos.
Making a snowman in bare hands...now that's excitment! I love the history behind each piece of decoration. The key chain...a great idea! We collect ornaments from local artists too but my favorite is your skating Snoopy...too cute! Great to see your happy smile, Sandy ;)
You had just about as much snow as we did Sandy...and our posts are similar...about decorating the tree. Thanks for the sweet rhyme, that you left for me!
Look at those ornaments..how fun!!!
sandy toe
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