These happy guys greet you as you enter. (They're extra happy today because snow is falling outside. I haven't the heart to tell them that it's melting as it hits the ground!)

In my dining room, I have a little framed shelf that I bought a couple of years ago at a yard sale. It's perfect for my tiny little vintage Santas (and a few necessary wine and/or martini glasses).
I dragged this little bookshelf out of hiding and employed it as my "tea" shelf. The gingerbread man cup with lid (upper right) is sitting atop 2 matching gingerbread plates. I won those last week (along with the brown snowman in the 1st picture). The teapot/cup combo on the shelf below was purchased at a flea market for $2 and the bone china mug on the left of that shelf was a 50 cent purchase; the snowmen salt and pepper shakers on the bottom shelf were a thrift store find at $1. All the other things were gifts.

This is what sits on top of that bookshelf. The holiday themed runner was another of my finds from PJ's thrift store last week. (Note that I am ready at a moments notice for tea and dessert).

These 2 little vintage cuties are made from pinecones; they were 2 of several items that I bought last year in one of my 99 cent bags from PJ's!

I bought this lovely set last Christmas at the Christian bookstore in town. They sit atop the cornice over my kitchen sink and are backlit with tiny fairy lights (which I liked so much that I didn't take them down all year).

And Egad!! Look at the dust on top of that fan blade!! We'd better turn off the overhead light!
Next Saturday, we hope to go to a Xmas tree farm and then decorate the tree on Sunday.
Gosh, golly gee!!!
Isn't Christmas exciting!
I love your vintage Santas, I remember the kissing ones, so cute. Looks like your holiday spirit is here, I'd better find mine quick!
I absolutely love the BELIEVE sign you have...I am trying to find more things with those words to put in my decorations. I have found a few but am on the lookout for more.
Thanks for sharing the decorations at your house. Christmas is such a cheerful time of year.
I like your Christmas decorations.I haven't decorated my home yet but I love the atmosphere of this fantastic festivity.Have a nice day.
My favorite of your things (so far!) is that gingerbread mug; too cute!
And the nativity lamp is adorable, too. Is it electric or a tealight candle holder?
Wow you have been busy!
Can I make a teensie suggestion? The shelves where you have your teacups and santas...why dont you get some festive scrapbooking paper (or even wrapping paper) and put it on the back so your shelving units are all xmassy too?
Your decorations are looking very nice. Love those santas. I love your sign over your sink. Don't worry about the dust - my place wouldn't be home without some dust.
You make me laugh... :-) Yep, just turn out the lights....works for me. I was looking for something yesterday and for some reason I looked UP........NOooooooooooo..........don't do it. My cold air return is really, really bad. It's going to get a good clean today. How do I miss that stuff.
Love your little vintage santa collection...so cute. And, that BELIEVE is sensational...
Thanks for the wipes tip....I'll remember that....I know they have bottles of the anti-bacterial stuff in the classroom at my grandson's school. Probably not a good thing then.
Hi Sandy! What lovely decorations you have. Your little Santas are so sweet!
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I love all your fun decor! Especially your vintage Santa collection!
I also envy you going to the tree farm. We did that for most of my life and marraige until there were no more tree farms where we live- Wahhhhhhh.
Have fun!
Love those vintage Santas. Don't you love Christmas decorating? I find it painful to go through all that work but fell much more festive after you're all done putting stuff up and out.
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