"Can you give me a better price on these?" I asked sweetly with my best festive smile.
"How about $8?" she responded.
"Hmmmmm? No. Thank you anyway" I said to her. "Still a little too much for me!" (But I was now wearing my secret lethal-weapon face! The one that embarassed my children until they left home! Yes, it was the poor, little, single, low income mother duck-lipped, head-tilted frownie/poutie face.) Would it still work like it used to when I had 3 wee babies in tow?
"Well, you can have it for $6!"
You know what they say; and by golly, I've still got it!
(Sometimes I just can't remember where or what IT is!!)
They are reproductions, made in the US in or around 1989; and they originally sold for $24.

Ain't they cute!! (Sorry - bad picture!)
Here are some of them on the tree; all but 1 of the 6 have the little rubber stopper which holds them on the mini light.

And here are a few of their little faces all lit up.
Eww! Wait! There's something about the thought of Santa being "lit" that doesn't sound right, does it! I know it happens in department stores across North America all the time. But it's wrong, people; just wrong! ..... Except in this case below.
Who can resist begging little Santas and your "poor, little single, low income mother duck-lipped, head-tilted frownie/poutie cute face??? Way to go!!!
Ya'll have a fantastic day enjoying all those Santas!!
You've definitely still got it! Hey, we have to do what we have to do to get our treasures, don't we? Your "lit" Santas are just great!
They are adorable. Glad you were able to get them at your price.
I love a persistent bargain hunter!
Those pink cheeks are adorable. Nice going!
Such an actress, you are! Prepare your acceptance speech! ;)
Living it up at Lakewood,
Score!!! Fun festive and a bargain. Gotta luv it!
You are quite the bargain haggler and I for one am glad you got them. They will have plenty of new friends to hang out with on the tree!
Never take NO for a final answer and it never hurts to ask.
I'd love to have you with me the next time I want to haggle! You're an expert at it! Love your little "lit" Santas! Cute! (and yes, even with faces only a mother could love!)
I love your Santas & I wish I had your bargain hunting skills !
Merry christmas !
Love them, we do not have things like that over here, or I have never seen them, but then again we do not have your huge Christmas trees over here either - such a pity.
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