These are my 2 lovely students, getting ready to Trick or Treat for their very first time (and probably their only time!)

And look at these little cuties!

I also got visits from a few older kids -- teenagers; and one time, 2 teens came with what I believe was their mom who was dressed as a witch. But even that green make-up couldn't hide those wrinkles and I was a little surprised when she opened her treat bag for a handout. But, mine is not to judge -- she got her treats!
(Do you suppose there'll come a day when I'll be reduced to putting on costumes and begging door to door for chocolate???)
But none of my Trick or Treaters were as old OR as silly as this one. It's my good friend Eva; and she was on her way to the Senior's Home to hand out treats to the residents.

Eva says she has another costume just like this at home for me. Because I was manning the door at home, I narrowly missed being part of the Halloween version of Dum and Dummer!
Ah well, there's always next year!!
How cute your friend is. I know she must have brightened the day of those she was visiting for sure.
Your friend is awesome to do that!
Shame on someone with wrinkles begging for candy! Sheesh!
How much fun?!
Oh, I loved the costumes!!! And look at Eva ... I'd say she's a "Wild and Crazy Gal!!" And what a sweetheart to do that - an excellent idea!!... Donna
I really enjoyed your photos! We live out off a dark country road, and never get any trick or treaters. :-(
I also applaud your friend for her service to others! I hope you can join her next year. You'll have a blast!
Cute childrebn, lovely costumes, and your friend Eva seems quite a Character.
Oh darn it anyway. You missed gettin' all dolled up like the great pumpkin. You had some cuties at your door.
Have a super day!!!
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