I recently received a wonderful blog award from Lisa E at "From the Outside Looking In" (http://snogirllygoeskeyboardhappy.blogspot.com/).
Lisa is passing on an award she recently received; and I absolutely love her acceptance award post:
"I am sitting here in my favorite Vera Wang Evening Gown, freshy pedicured in Heeled Slides, Hair in an elaborate UPDO, and in Full RED CARPET make-up, including MAC lipgloss in playful pink, sipping champagne, as I humbly accept this award. I am thrilled that my first blog award ever has been given to me by my friend, Steven. Dude you rock, and continually knock my socks off (ha, I know you like that) ."
I'm sorry if disappoint you all, but contrary to the glitz and glamor of Lisa E's acceptance attire, I'm a little bit more casual. I'm accepting the award here in the comfort of my humble abode (carpet needs vacuuming - sorry!), sitting at my wee little corner computer desk, drinking a HUGE cup of my favorite tea (and I'M sorry it's not champagne). I'm wearing my jammies with the little trees all over them (sans bra -- Ohhh, really sorry this time! Not a pretty sight!!), and my tan-colored carpet slippers (which may or may not be a little smelly, depending your standards! .... Sorry!)
If it helps any, I haven't washed off my office make-up yet and I'm still wearing my pretty earrings!
"Thank you, thank you, newfound friend, Lisa E, for this amazing award! I shall endeavor to live up to it's prestigious reputation!"
(Slurp, slurp, ahhhh! Rumble, rumble -- BURP!)
So, here are the rules once you accept this award (which I gratefully and disgracefully do):
- Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to 5 most-deserving Bloggy Friends
- Each Superior Scribbler must name the author, the name of the blog, and link of the blog, from whom he/she has received the award (me-Sandy aka Doris the Great) http://newfie-girl.blogspot.com/
- Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post http://scholastic-scribe.blogspot.com/2008/10/200-this-blings-for-you.html, which explains The Award.
- Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. (that Mr. Linky thing is on the bottom of the award description page)That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!
- Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.
The 5 Recipients of The Superior Scribbler Award are:
1. Marie at "A Year from Oak Cottage" http://www.ayearfromoakcottage.com/
2. Ma at "On the Bright Side" http://goodmorningsmiles.blogspot.com/
3. Kim at "Homesteaders Heart" http://homesteadersheart.blogspot.com/
4. Suzann at "The Olive Cottage" http://suzann-marie.blogspot.com/
5. Saranne at "Fifty and Still Figuring it Out" http://fiftyandfiguringitout.blogspot.com/
These are all bloggers who have encouraged me, enlightened me and/or entertained me. I think you are all Superior Scribblers! Thank you!
You are so kind to award this to me too. I am not good at passing on awards so will be posting it in my side bar along with a link to your journal. I just think that all of the others I read including you are worthy of the award. Thank you for reading my blog.
Congratulations on your award!!!
Your new look is awesome! Good job!
Thank you so very much for blessing me with this award. I am honored and humbled. I apologize in advance that I am not good at sharing these awards with others as I can never choose "just a few". I will be mentioning this award and linking to your blog though.
Thanks again - you have made my day!!!
First of all congrats on your award Sandy! Well deserved I might add! Many thanks for thinking enough of me to pass it on! You really made my day! I am honored. xxoo
Congratulations on your well deserved award. It feels all warm and Christmasy over here, love the new look.
Have a super great day and enjoy your new award! God bless!!!
Omg, that was the funniest thing I read all morning. About the vera gown and the burping! I have this head cold you see, and really needed the giggle :)
Thank you my friend! I'm humbly accepting this in my shorts and flip flops! LOL Oh and a t-shirt. Ha! Ha!
I sure hope I can do this justice. It's a super busy week couple of weeks for me. But I do appreciate it so much coming from you!!!
You rock girlfriend.
Oh and congrats on you getting it yourself! You so deserve it!
Toooo funny! Here....cup of tea.....check.....jammies......check.....sockies and some hair that's not looking its best.
Have a wonderful day!
Warm blessings,
Well, that was a brilliant acceptance speech. Congrats on the award. (here is a tissue, I think you have some tea on your chin)
and I remember learning that poem In Flanders Fields in elementary school. thanks for sharing it so I could remember
Congratulations! "Sans bra" - it might not be a pretty sight, but oh so liberating... I mean comfortable.
Wow, your acceptance speech moved me to tears that dissolved into laughter!
Loved it! So deserving. I will enjoy checking out the awardees.
You are too funny.
Don't worry, you look mahhhhhhhhhhvelous. (as I am sitting her in my "its the great pumpkin charlie brown" shirt and yoga pants, that by the way don't match) and I am drinking tonic water from the bottle.
I really had you fooled huh!!!??? I love your blog.
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