About a month or so before the holidays, they open up the basement for what has become known as their "Christmas Shop". They put aside and store all the Xmas goodies they receive over the year - used, vintage and sometimes new.

I dropped by early this week only to be told by the owner that it probably wouldn't be open because of all the flu and sickness with her employees. "I'll probably bring a few things upstairs", she said "little by little."
My little heart was sad. But when I told her how much I looked forward to coming every year, she said "Well, why don't you go on downstairs and have a look. It'll be our little secret! And watch your step!"
What an absolute sweetheart she is, huh! And how fast did I get down those stairs!!!
This is what greeted me at the bottom of the stairs:

Pretty daunting perhaps for the average thrifter who doesn't have the time or patience for this kind of excavation and is adverse to getting a little dirty. But not for Doris the Great! When there are treasures to be had, she go'a diggin!!
And it really did take some digging. Box upon box of Xmas ornaments and knick-knacks; clothes baskets piled high with towels or tablecloths or aprons or Xmas hangings or stockings etc etc. But it was such fun! You go through -- 10 plastic tablecloths to find 4 beautiful, brand new placemats! 15 vintage aprons & choose 2 that speak your name! 30 towels to get that great condition & very pretty red plaid one! It was like early Christmas!
They also had a huge bin filled with clear bags of miscellaneous Xmas stuff for 99 cents. Most of it is garbage, but there's quite a treat or two in those bags if you really look and they're well worth the 99 cents you spend. I picked up 2 bags today:
- this one full of little wooden ornaments (some of them, a little terrifying looking -- aka clowns!!) and bottle brush and candle trees -- for my Xmas village! (Note: For some reason, the next 2 pictures turned sideways and won't turn back!!)
- and this bag of vintage glass ornaments from the 50's. My Xmas tree is mostly decorated with these ornaments (some are my Mother-in-laws; some my Grandmas). So, I'm always on the lookout for them because they break so easily and am always pleased as punch when I find some. (Especially for 99 cents!)
Look at some of the more ornate ones ---

I also got these Xmas cards for $1 total. (The ones on the lower right are vintage and so pretty up close.)

As mentioned above, I did get a pretty table runner, the placemats, 2 aprons and the plaid towel. (I paid roughly $10 for those.) I also got a beautiful Xmas throw with a snowman scene -- very thick and warm. Those are all in the wash, so you have to wait to see them.
And once again, the Thrift Gods were smiling on me! I found a gorgeous Xmas scene done in crewel work. I liked it a lot in the shop; but when I got it home and really looked at it in the light, I loved it. I think I'm going to frame it. I've included some close ups of the piece so that perhaps you can enjoy it to. (I hope my bad photography can do it a little justice!)
Wow! That made me squeal like a little girl! I love those wonderful basements full of gorgeous treasures to be found! I love to go-a-diggin' in pile of stuff! So existing! Well Doris you certainly made my early morning!
Those glass ornaments are a real find, I got all sentimental looking at them. Heading to your profile now...
If you ever come across a black table cloth would you grab it for me pweeeese :O)
Wow! I am impressed! Looks like you made a haul for sure.
I can hardly wait to see the pictures you post of all your awesome decorating.
Oh Doris the Great, I would not have been daunted at all. I would have been right there digging through all that stuff and lovin' every minute of it. And I love what you bought. I would frame that piece too. Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful
You are definitely my kind of shopper. How wonderful you found those treasures.
Oh you must have been like a kid in a candy shop! That crewel piece is fab!
For me, the digging is the best part! I'm a yard-sale, thrift-store, consignment-shop kind of girl. It's the thrill of the hunt!
That Christmas scene made my day. Awesome!
Love so many of your pieces, but especially the vintage cards and the crewel piece; for some strange reason, they both remind me of the illustrations in the earliest editions of the old Bobbsey Twins books.
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