and even less to Christmas season!

- the composition of the annual Xmas letter and trying to come up with cheerful antidotes to write rather than telling how the septic bed exploded or your youngest narrowly avoided prison
- the addressing of a zillion Xmas cards and subsequent having to wear your carpel tunnel wrist bands to bed for 2 weeks
- the preparation of kilos of gorgeously decadent once-a-year foods that will cause our arteries to harden, our hips to broaden and our bowels to stop working until mid-January
- the decorating -- in every room -- until the house resembles something between a French whorehouse and a bad Italian restaurant and you look like a cross between Bozo the Clown and Lady GaGa
- the overspending on gifts for your often ungrateful kin-folk
- the hundreds of yards of giftwrapping and taping and ribboning
- the standing in the local supermarket ringing the Sally Ann bell in front of the big black kettle while using the Vulcan mind-meld to try to get people to part with their hard earned dollars
- the fighting with other shoppers to try to get the last pair of musical reindeer slippers for Aunt Mable
- the craft fairs and parties and pot lucks and concerts and visiting .....
- and sore feet and dunch bum cheeks and fuzzy/buzzy brain condition

This is what we wait all year for, right? I can hear so many of you out there yelling along with me:

(I can also hear the rest of you retching violently. But I choose to ignore you!)
So, in anticipation of this "Most wonderful time ... of the year"..........**
And in appreciation of so many of my bloggie friends who have faithfully followed me and sent me words of encouragement and made me laugh or made me think, I'd like to add you to my Christmas card list. So, if you'd like to receive one of my cards (which could have been "hand painted by mouth" by various needy artists ....whose cards I use but am embarassed to say I've never sent money to) then please - send me your home address.

I think you included just about everything there...I love it all too and especially the REASON FOR THE SEASON. At least you have your thanksgiving over with we still have that to do here.
Thanks for the fun post.
Yeah, I would like a Christmas card and I will send you one back.
I will see if you have email listed on your profile.
This is so funny...and true! And, OMG, my best friend LOVES to overdecorate her house for Christmas, and yes, her house really does look like something between a French whorehouse and a bad Italian restaurant...with a little bit of rustic woodsy Smoky Mountains cabin thrown in for good measure. UGH!
Man, season after season after season. My halloween was a bummer ---no little trick or treaters at my house. No candy to nibble on.
I miss my grandkids.
and Christmas -----man, did you have to remind me.
all that stuff to do!!
I lean more towards a French Whorehouse
and of course I'd love a card from YOU
Wendy Resvick
RR1 Site 8 Box 16
Didsbury Alberta Canada T0M 0W0
You always make me laugh!!I also love Christmas even if there are so many things to do.Have a good day!
WooHoooo! Christmas rocks. I anticipate and plan for it starting Dec. 26th....on. It is THE season for me to so preach it sister! I would be thrilled to receive one of your Christmas cards painted by mouth of course. Ahhh, the Christmas season almost makes winter bearable.
Have a wonderfully fun filled week!!!
Christmas just happens to be MY birthday, too! The past few years have found me much more accepting of all the early Christmas hype. (I used to be highly critical - but now I'm joining in cheerfully)!
I've somehow missed checking out your blog lately. I sure like the new look (that probably isn't very new). Oops!
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