I received another lovely blog award last week; I got this one from Cindy at "Plant Some Roots" http://plantsomeroots.blogspot.com/.
Most awards come with rules. And here are the "official" rules of the Kreativ Blogger Award:
- Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
Thank you, Cindy, from the bottom of my heart. I am always so pleased and so very humbled when someone acknowledges my blog in this way. It is very much appreciated!
- Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
- Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
- Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
- Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
- I love dark fruitcake! I realize that I'm one of a dying breed, but I must also state that MY dark Christmas fruitcake is the best. I soak the fruit & nuts in brandy overnight & that keeps the cake extremely moist and fragrant & so lovely tasting. (The alcohol cooks off, people! Honestly! ..... which is why I'm usually drinking a sherry while I'm eating my cake!)
- I sleep with earplugs and a fan lightly going at night to help me sleep over the noise of the others in the house. This came after a horendous 6 month period of little sleep because of extremely noisy neighbors, and now I'm hooked! So, I guess I've an 'earplug monkey' on my back! (Is there rehab for that?) ***
- I once went on a date with a British guy who told me that one time at a football match in England, he saw George Harrison of The Beatles and shouted out "Hey George! Hello!" And George looked at him and smiled! Pretty impressive, huh!!
- I can count to 10 in Spanish but only if I sing it (because I learned from Sesame Street). ***
- I come from a family of 5 children - I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, and I love them all dearly. (But I only like a couple of them; the other 2 are lower than worm-sweat!! )
- I have a big scar on my lower left bum cheek from a threesome I had at aged 10 between myself, a toboggan and a tree stump. Ouchie! You can see it when I wear a bathing suit ---- which means that no one will ever see it again!! (And don't get me started on how the doctor smoked as he talked to my dad while he cleaned and bandaged that most embarassing gash in my prepubescent body! Or the fact that my Mom would ask me to "Come on out here and show ..." the neighbor ladies when they dropped by for tea! In the name of all that's sacred!! Is it any wonder that I'm a little unbalanced!!***
- The first boy I ever liked was in Grade 4, and his name was Kirky Andersen. But he was only my boyfriend for a few hours because I refused to kiss him due to my fear of my mother finding out; and he said if I didn't kiss him, he wouldn't be my boyfriend! Manipulation and rejection by men at such an early age - Egad! (I got over him really quickly though ... and kissed Gary Allen that Christmas up behind the stage during the Boy Scout party.)
You know, I hate this part! It's so hard to pick from all the wonderful blogs out there. And then I have to try remember who doesn't accept blog awards OR if I've sent you one recently. (And then I wonder if you'll be pee-oed that you have another one to pass on and you might begin to tell people I'm a bit of a pain etc).
I'm in a quandry because I'm a stickler for rules -- I'm even a little anal about it. Yet I'm also a bit of a rebel. So, I'll meet halfway and choose to only nominate 4 wonderfully creative bloggers; and they are:
1. Teresa at "A Baby Changes Everything" http://grammyababychangeseverything.blogspot.com/
2. Alice at "Alice in Paris Loves Art and Tea" http://aliceinparislovesartandtea.blogspot.com/
3. Laura at "Hey Whats for Dinner Mom" http://heywhatsfordinnermom.blogspot.com/
4. All the gals at "Scrapbook of Christmas Firsts" http://scrapbookofchristmasfirsts.blogspot.com/
Again, thank you Cindy for this lovely blog. I display it with pride!
PS -- If you see Kirky Andersen, tell him I'm ready to kiss him now!
Well, I must say, I'm mighty impressed with your one-time date's brush with a Beatle!
And the fruitcake - I thought my mother was the only person on earth who actually that stuff. I once heard Johnny Carson that the secret to fruitcake is...that there's actually only ONE fruitcake - it just keeps getting mailed from one person to another, year after year!
Congrats on your award and to all the recipients!
Congrats on your award! Even though I only found your blog a couple of days ago, I feel I know you a little better now. You're a riot, and seem like loads of fun!
Have a great day!
Congrats on another well deserved award! As to the fruitcake, I actually like it too, but am one of the few people that never gets sent any! What's up with that?!
Congrats on another well deserved blog award. I always enjoy reading more about you. You and I share sooo much but I put the brakes on the fruit cake thing. Now I know where to send 'em. My motto is if it ain't chocolate it ain't worth the calories.
Ya always keep me laughin', girl. Have a fantastic day filled with blessings and humor!!!
Congratulations! I loved reading about you, earplugs???? Wow, I think that would drive me nuts.
I think you deserved the award!
Verification word: chillup
I think I'll start using that word. "hey chillup!"
Thanks for sharing! I LOL about the scar and the doctor smoking!
To tell the truth my mom smoked and drank wine a plenty when she carried me (it does explain a boatload about me!)
Love learning more about you!
OK I seriously have never met anyone who actually likes fruitcake so right there I think you are uber cool!!
The toboggan accident sounds painful and "Worm sweat" -Ha Ha that made me laugh - I'll have to remember that one when I am teasing my brothers!!
Aww, thank-you very much for this very kind reward!!!!
I like dark fruit cake too, I'll happily join you in a glass of sherry and piece or two.
I also have a scar on my bum! instead of getting a vaccination on my arm as a babe, the doctor elected to give it to me on my bottom so I wouldn't have a scar visible:)
My first crush was when I was in grade 4 too! He was the boy next door and I used to get my brothers to carry him love notes I wrote. He would tear them up and smirk.He was older. Grade 5!
I won't be passing this on, I am sorry. I feel bad as if it is a chain letter that I am breaking but I am terrible at choosing folk for awards. Hard to do. I am a wuss.
Hope you have a great weekend:))
I sleep with earplugs too. I can live without them. Seriously.
Fruitcake??? Well if you say so. Heh heh.
Congrats on yer award!
Also thanks for your apron picture over at TAG. Your energy and spontaneity is nice to see. :)
I just saw you featured on TAG -- love the fall apron and DOUBLE LOVE the countdown to Christmas. You go girl!! I'm counting right down with you :)
You crack me up...that is why you received the award! Have a wonderful weekend!
Living it up at Lakewood,
Hi, and thank you from "one of those gals" over at ScrapbookofChristmasFirsts blog.
Hmmm, I'm not sure how we will post the award, I'll see what everyone says.
It is an honor to receive it.
Your blog definitely deserves it, and some of your answers to the questions are a riot and a half and gave me the giggles.
Thank you for the lovely award. Terra will accept and answer for us at our blog. You did make me smile. I actually heard the Beatles in concert in Houston. My then-boyfriend, now-husband took me, but he didn't want me standing up and screaming, so I was demure.
Yes, I always do earplugs for afternoon naps, but it's quiet on our rural farm at night. I adore fruit cakes and have recipes for favorites: a no-bake, a blond fruitcake, and a date, cherry, and nut one. Sooooo good with coffee.
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