A number of posts back, I mentioned eating chocolate cover dried fruit and nuts. And several people asked where I bought them as they've never seen them and would love to try them.
They only seem to be in the supermarkets here at Christmas time. And I've only seen one brand - Brookside - and they're located in Abbotsford, BC, and St Hyacinthe, Quebec - CANADA!
There are a lot of sad Americans out there now, aren't there!
We can't have that now, can we!
Well, I can't take care of all of you (too much pressure!!!). But I can make one or even possibly two Americans a little happier. Look what I came across today in the supermarket?

The moment I saw them, I thought of you sad Americans. So, I've decided to host a giveaway with the prize being the above Brookside chocolate covered cranberries. (As long as I don't succumb to temptation and eat them!! Ha ha ha! No really, that would never happen! ..... Well, it might happen!! ..... Yeah, it probably will happen! But I'll replace them - honestly.)
I'll also add a couple of other Xmas-themed goodies to the package! AND ... if I come across the Brookside chocolate covered fruit and nut combo (my personal favorite and definitely on my Christmas list), then I'll host a second giveaway!
I'll make the draw for the lucky winner(s) on American Thanksgiving, November 26th. That way, I can get the package in the post, and the winner(s) will have their gift in time for Christmas.
Rules for my giveaway?
- Leave a comment on this post
- One entry only
- You don't have to be a follower, you don't have to tell others about it (but you certainly can if you want to), you don't have to twitter or tweet; you don't even have to like me! No strings attached; no expectations!! Just some chocolate love from me to you.
- And you know what? You don't even have to be American.
Good luck!
Bonne chance!
Well consider me in. Anything for chocolate!!! Thanks...
Living it up at Lakewood,
The package you showed us before was Ocean Spray wasnt it? Have you seen those ones in store?
I think we have the Brookside in stores here in southern Ontario so I am going to see if I can get them! If not I will be placing an order with you lol! How yummy!
I got the Ocean Spray pic online (I'd forgotten about that), so I guess they must make them as well. I've never seen them here - just the Brookside! Yes, check out the fruit and nut -- it's so, so good! (So good, I hide it from the children!)
Oh, that is so sweet! I think they look divine!
Thanks for thinkin' of us poor Americans!
Hi, my name is Nezzy and I am a chocolateholic! I will repeat my motto once again. If it ain't chocolate~it ain't worth the calories. Now if ya could just smother your lovely fruit cake in decadent chocolate I'd be set.
Have a great day...your just so much fun!!! :o)
I found those in the store the other day -----bought some and ate every last morsel.
Who could resist chocolate and cranberries!!!
good give away for those yankees ey
I'm not American but I love chocolate!Can I have a chance?Please!Bye.
Chocolate cranberries--yum!
Paired with that delicious fruitcake (when I get to make some!) heaven on earth!
Sounds divine! Count me in.
Ahhhh Sandy, how sweet of you! I would love these chocolate covered goodies of yours. You're so generous! The fruit and nut sounds the best of all!
Here are some answers for you!
1. Is the bag fabric? It's beautiful! - yes it is! All VB bags are - look on her site for store locations - I know there are some in Canada!
2. What are Christmas Kitkats? - they are tiny little kitkats in xmas wrappers! Smaller than the Halloween size.
3. Did your Bonfire Night candle smell like wood - it smelled like a bonfire should lol! Like an Ontario bonfire lol
Hi Sandy,
You don't have to put my name in your draw, but I would love to know what store you found these in! (and what aisle!!)
Sandy - I knew you lived in NS but I didn't know you were a newfie! The one place on the east coast that I've never been but who love to visit. It looks so beautiful! Do you get back there?
My visit to NS was rather nerve-wracking. We did the Cabot Trail. Beautiful but OMG I was terrified!
Well, I'm Canadian, so I can get off my butt and go search out my own. And I WILL--they look good!
Oh yeah, and Rusty and Jerome are actually pseudonyms--when I started blogging I was so scared of internet predators, even my dogs had to be protected! But yes, it was the best show ever! I bought a chair at a garage sale once because it reminded me of the one for "2 little people to curl up in"!
Oh, the compassion you have for American chocolate-covered dried fruit lovers! I would love to have these little beauties sitting next to my computer to pop at whim as I work and blog. And, I like you. Really.
: )
Sandy, you could use the crystalized ginger of course. Or you can make your own preserved. I found a recipe here: http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_4548431_make-preserved-ginger.html?cr=1
It would be quite costly though. Can you imagine how much a pound of fresh gingerroot would cost! wow!
yummo...please enter me in this give-away. :)
Mom says I can't eat chocolate, BUT she CAN!
Tail Wags to All.
That's too funny - but we DO like you! LOL I don't need these but ya know what? I want to try them anyway! More hips/belly or not. They sound yummy!
I'd love to be included!
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